Official study groups thread

This is a wiki thread - please edit it directly to add/update information about study groups.

These study groups are currently running or being organized for part 2 (2019). Please ensure that the top post of your thread is wikified and clearly shows at the top the next meeting location, date, and time, and how to register, plus anything needed for study group newcomers.

Discussion Location Next meeting date
Thread SF SoMa: USF Downtown Campus, 101 Howard St Weekly on Tuesdays, 6-9pm, from May 7th through 2019 (at least)
Thread SF South Bay April 8th(?)
Thread SF SoMa: Sandbox Suites April 22 6:30pm
Thread Polska : virtual TBD(sign up if intersted)
Thread TWIMLAI : virtual Saturdays 9am Pacific
Thread Netherlands : Thursday 18h-20h CET Amsterdam, the hague
Thread SF Mission: Noisebridge Thursday, July 11th, PDT 6pm