Lesson Index

Deep Learning

Lesson Video Discussion
1 Recognizing cats and dogs https://youtu.be/IPBSB1HLNLo Wiki: Lesson 1
2 Convolutional Neural Networks https://youtu.be/JNxcznsrRb8 Wiki: Lesson 2
3 Improving Your Image Classifier https://youtu.be/9C06ZPF8Uuc Wiki: Lesson 3
4 Structure, Time Series, & Lenguage Models https://youtu.be/gbceqO8PpBg Wiki: Lesson 4
5 Collaborative Filtering; Inside The Training Loop https://youtu.be/J99NV9Cr75I Wiki: Lesson 5
6 Interpreting Embeddings; RNNs From Scratch https://youtu.be/sHcLkfRrgoQ Wiki: Lesson 6
7 ResNet From Scratch https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY Wiki: Lesson 7

Linear Algebra

# Lesson Video
1 Matrix Math, Accuracy, Memory, Speed, & Parallelization https://youtu.be/8iGzBMboA0I&list=PLtmWHNX-gukIc92m1K0P6bIOnZb-mg0hY
2 Topic Modelling with SVD & NMF https://youtu.be/kgd40iDT8yY&list=PLtmWHNX-gukIc92m1K0P6bIOnZb-mg0hY
3 Review, New Perspective on NMF, & Randomized SVD https://youtu.be/C8KEtrWjjyo
4 Randomized SVD & Robust PCA https://youtu.be/Ys8R2nUTOAk
5 Robust PCA & LU Factorization https://youtu.be/O2x5KPJr5ag
6 Block Matrix Mult, Broadcasting, & Sparse Storage https://youtu.be/YY9_EYNj5TY
7 Compressed Sensing for CT Scans https://youtu.be/ZUGkvIM6ehM
8 Numba, Polynomial Features, How to Implement Linear Regression https://youtu.be/SjX55V8zDXI
9 PageRank with Eigen Decompositions https://youtu.be/AbB-w77yxD0
10 QR Algorithm to find Eigenvalues, Implementing QR Decomposition https://youtu.be/1kw8bpA9QmQ

Machine Learning

And finally we have

And sure theory section and some external videos http://forums.fast.ai/t/deep-learning-book-video-summaries/6503

So yeah, there are lot of free resources thanks!.


Thanks this is very helpful!

tyoc213. Thank you very much. :smiley:

Hope someone find it useful to have all in once place, I also added the algebra and Machine Learning along with a ref to the theory section.


Thank you!! Really helpful!

Cant edit original post anymore, but here is the addition of

# Original youtube Title
1 https://course.fast.ai/videos/?lesson=1 https://youtu.be/XfoYk_Z5AkI Image classification
2 https://course.fast.ai/videos/?lesson=2 https://youtu.be/ccMHJeQU4Qw Data cleaning and production; SGD from scratch
3 https://course.fast.ai/videos/?lesson=3 https://youtu.be/MpZxV6DVsmM Data blocks; Multi-label classification; Segmentation
4 https://course.fast.ai/videos/?lesson=4 https://youtu.be/qqt3aMPB81c NLP; Tabular data; Collaborative filtering; Embeddings
5 https://course.fast.ai/videos/?lesson=5 https://youtu.be/CJKnDu2dxOE Back propagation; Accelerated SGD; Neural net from scratch
6 https://course.fast.ai/videos/?lesson=6 https://youtu.be/hkBa9pU-H48 Regularization; Convolutions; Data ethics
7 https://course.fast.ai/videos/?lesson=7 https://youtu.be/9spwoDYwW_I Resnets from scratch; U-net; Generative (adversarial) networks