I have a few questions from the class –
net = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(28*28, 10), nn.LogSoftmax() )
In last non-linear layer, why did we use logsoftmax
, not softmax
? Weren’t we exponentiating outputs from 2nd last layer so as to make them all +ve ? Why back to log
after doing [exp]/[sum of exp].
What is the reason of dividing by dims[0]. I tried and it doesn’t work if we don’t divide by dims[0]. By it doesn’t work, I mean fit() gives loss = nans and very bad accuracy.
I just posted the video.
The loss functions in pytorch generally assume you have LogSoftmax, for computational efficiency reasons: Does NLLLoss handle Log-Softmax and Softmax in the same way? - PyTorch Forums
This is He initialization (Initialization Of Deep Networks Case of Rectifiers | DeepGrid) . Although I may have forgotten a sqrt
Without careful initialization you’ll get gradient explosion. We discuss this in the DL course.
Helpful links. Thanks
Blogpost on Broadcasting in Pytorch
hi there,
I have a question pertaining to optimizer.zero_grad() . I have gone couple of times over the section where it is explained why do we have to call this function.
I still don’t understand it .
From pytorch forum , i understand unless for the special cases where one wants to simulate bigger batches by accumulating the gradients , one has to invoke optimizer.zero_grad() to clear the grandients for the next batch.
Would like to understand Jeremy explanation though.
The title changed “with” for “in” and the link got broken.
New one.
On the next video (lesson 10) around minute 25-26 he explains again why we need to clear the weights and bias.
Hope it helps.
facing the same issue as @hamzautd7