AFAIK, I’m the only one from Manila taking this live online course.
I would love to participate in a study group to reinforce the online lectures.
I started joining the fastai MOOC last year (v3) after it was released to the general public.
If anyone else on the same timezone is interested, please reply to the topic!
Also, you can also propose when and how often we can meet (and what to use to meet online)…
This is my first time to join an online study group, I’m open to suggestions.
Reviving this thread for the fastai MOOC participants who want to start a weekly study group for those based on a UTC+8 timezone (Manila, HK, Singapore,etc).
I’m mostly available 6PM and up. Reply in this thread if you’re interested in forming a study group.
Hi @butchland,
We have a work group in Shanghai, also on UTC+8. It ran last year on course-v3 and we will soon restart a cycle for course-v4. Pre-covid, we ran the session face to face but always has a zoom session running. Now we run then on zoom only.
Beside the course WG, there are also subgroups focusing on NLP, CV, and Tabular, looking at more advanced topics in these areas, after the course is completed. The sessions are in English.
Pinging @Acruz@CSfastai what day and time you want to meet online?
I prefer Mondays and Fridays 6PM myself, but any day after 6pm I can adjust to.
@vtecftwy I joined the meetup group but there’s no upcoming schedule (for the course-v4 videos/book) yet so I’m pinging you here just in case you want to start one.
Also you may want to join the fastai discord chat – people hang out there to watch Jeremy code updates to fastai and socialize a little bit (but also get quicker responses to questions) – the only downside is that they’re usually active pretty early in the morning/ late at night relative to the UTC+8 timezone.
I also found this in case you prefer a weekend schedule – there’s a new study group hosted by @init_27starting this Saturday August 29.
It starts 4pm IST which is 630PM UTC+8 so its a good weekend schedule.
Please reply in this thread if you’re interested in joining that (instead of a weekday sched).