Note: This is a Wiki! Please feel free to edit/update it!
Study group for book and course
Note: There are now 2 study groups to cover maximum time zones, Starting Saturday August 29th and 30th:
Asia/Europe: Saturdays at 4PM-6PM Indian Time (3.30am pacific, 6.30am eastern, 11.30am Britain)
US Time Zones: Sundays 5PM-7PM PT (8pm Eastern, 1am (Monday) Britain, 5:30am (Monday) IST)
- (Unofficial) Office Hours: Saturdays 5PM PT (8PM Eastern) A call to ask questions about ML in general or from any lecture of the course (Not following a structure/schedule), please check here
Where to get the Book:
- Link to Order (e-book/paperback) book
- Link to fastbook in (freely available) Jupyter notebooks format
This will be hosted via the Machine Learning Tokyo Community and fastai discord.
We’ll utilise the text channels for discussions and a weekly zoom call that will be hosted on Saturdays
- Join fastai discord here
- MLT community link, link to join the slack and respective channel details would be shared on the page.
Or you can simply join via Zoom.
The structure follows a Silent Study Group + discussions:
- 1.5 hours of Silently reading the book by ourself.
- 30 minutes of discussing the book, questionnaire, related topics
Note: Zoom links are different for both the calls and are prone to change, please always check this wiki and make sure you’re using the right one to join:
- US Call: Sunday from 5PM-7PM PT (8PM PT, 1AM Britain (Mon), 5:30AM (Mon) IST. Zoom Link to join
- Asia/Europe Call: Saturday from 4PM-6PM Indian Time (3.30am pacific, 6.30am eastern, 11.30am Britain), Zoom Link to join
The goal is not to complete a fixed number of pages every meeting but instead read at our own pace, run the notebooks and discuss.
I’ll be leading the discussions since I’ve had a small head start with the book.
Note: The sessions will NOT be recorded to respect the license of the book, please read more here. Instead the discussions will be documented via this Wiki
History and Motivation:
We’ve recently completed 18 weeks of studying the fastai book with a very strong group at Machine Learning Tokyo, Tweet thread about what we’ve learned while organising these.
Since the group and new course are now live, we’ll be re-starting the study group starting this Saturday at 4PM IST (Note: Timings are totally upto the group’s decisions) + Now we have a group for US at 5PM PT (Sundays)
- Sanyam