Tool for deleting files on the Google Image Search page before downloading

With inspiration from the download snippet in the image download notebook, i made a tool that allows you to delete the images before you download them. By running it you can click on the images you want to exclude (or click again to include them again) and they will not appear in the list of urls.

You can find the snippet here.
If you want it to be activated as a button, i made it into a bookmarklet, unfortunately github does not allow js in links, so i added it to my blog instead. You can drag it to your bookmarks bar and press it to activate it on on the search page.

To get the urls, you click the popup and you can copy paste the text.
This tool is not very useful if yo have many classes to process, but for few classes it seems handy.


Thank you for that extremely useful tool! Seems to work fine for me (MacOS, Chrome browser).

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this is very useful tool

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Thanks a lot Christoffer for sharing this tool!! I’ve used it and have been able to quickly create my first image dataset :grinning:

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This is so so cool. Thanks a lot mate!

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Wow! This is awesome!

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Thanks for sharing @melonkernel - a very useful bookmarklet!

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Thank you very much!

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Thanks, @melonkernel its a nice tool.

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Thanks! A very usefull tool. :slight_smile:

Awesome. Works in Firefox as well.

Thank you, this was very handy.

Nooice! Thanks for the tool, kind of tired of removing already downloaded images.

It does not work now. Not in Chrome or firefox.

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Same here. this is the error I get: Refused to load because it does not appear in the script-src directive of the Content Security Policy.


sorry, but it returns “The website you were trying to reach has been suspended” while clicking your blog~

Hi! Google updated their policy or something like that and I doesn’t work anymore… But Thank you for making it!

Here’s the error message:

Refused to load the script ‘’ because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src ‘nonce-0TKqCzKYsxcEMLsGJ9R/6A’ ‘self’ ‘unsafe-eval’ ". Note that ‘script-src-elem’ was not explicitly set, so ‘script-src’ is used as a fallback.