A quick backstory:
- I was inspired by this post which encouraged me to create a blog!
- I had this strange unpleasant mindsets around “personal branding”, and yet again came this post that changed my perceptions around it!
- I had heard about fastpages and was ready to set up my blog on it!
- I then discovered this thread on the forums and got to know about Quarto.
- Finally, I went on and built it. It was an amazing experience.
Here it is.
I kept it simple sort of inspired by the fast.ai website.
I am experimenting with colours and stuff. I read somewhere that it is a forbidden to have a non-white background ! Is it
?! If I change it, I will definitely keep a dark theme background. Any tips/advice is appreciated.
Turns out we can build whatever we want in it- presentations, books, and what not! Quarto is very dynamic and gives a lot of flexibility and power. I really love the feature of converting NBs directly into a blog.
Finally, I am trying to adopt practices mentioned in this post to write better blog posts.