Lesson translations (2020) - help wanted

Yes absolutely - if there are folks who are prepared to put in the time helping with translations, then they’re most welcome to join the course!

Excellent! I add my name.

at youtube, process to add translation is rather simple thanks to editor available there. but it takes a lot of effort to translate 2 hour long lecture. i think to speed up the translation it’s best to split the video in parts and allocate the work between each ‘language team’ members.

i put a couple of screenshots together (using fastpages :slight_smile: ) on how to add translations (the splitting part is not in there though)

say for example there are two people translating two hour long video. one person gets 0-1hr part and another gets 1-2hr part. they translate it via youtube editor. then download the translation file to disk. combine the two translations files into one and upload to as one complete translation.

what do you think?

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I think that makes a lot of sense :slight_smile:


@jeremy my guess is that you would like to have translations for the edited videos, not the raw recordings right?

Hello @Blanche @slawekbiel @Michal_w
I have created a thread for our group so that we can coordinate our activities --> https://forums.fast.ai/t/polish-translation-team-thread/65779

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How you translation just never did presume it is youtube funcionality ?


posted my reply in our thread --> https://forums.fast.ai/t/polish-translation-team-thread/65779/2 :slight_smile:

and yes it’s got built in editor for that

Yes that’s right. They’re posted now. I’ll try to get an automated transcription done as soon as I can, then the transcription team can get on to doing it properly - but hopefully the auto one will be enough to start translating.

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I translated you Covid article in similar way, used Google translate to covert to local content, then edited in Google typing to make the translated sentences meaningful. I think this strategy can be used for any language support by Google translate.

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@miko @DavideBoschetto I am more than welcome to help you in Italian

It breaks my heart not seeing Japanese in this list!!

I have not taken any classes in Japanese after high school so I am definitely lacking many technical terms (not to mention my family thinks my Japanese is broken these days :sweat_smile:). BUT! I will give this a try and I am throwing @crcrpar under the bus here just because he said “of course” when I asked for a help during our casual conversation :wink:


@hiromi that would be really great, because there hasn’t been much of a fast.ai Japanese community so far due to a lack of translations.


I am on it! The least I can do to give back :slight_smile:


Currently translating lesson 1 in french

Can you get YouTube to auto translate English subs to French. I checked couple of times but so far no luck. Doesn’t show that option. 2019 video I tried had it. Not sure if it takes a while fo YouTube to generate…

Hiromi, you’ve given more than nearly anyone already! :slight_smile:


Great! Please add yourself to the top post.

I don’t know I am not using it. I am translating directly from audio using auto-transcript when necessary (which works surprisingly well).

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I was already on here :slight_smile:

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