Lesson transcriptions (2020) - help wanted

I feel super embarrassed of just saying nice words and not doing anything, I’ll take up a few sections from lesson 4 over this weekend :tea:

@transcribe-1v4 thank you SOOO much everyone for keeping this going while I’ve been distracted by this masks thing! Especially thanks to @hiromi for stepping up and organizing things.

I’ve split lesson 4 (week 5) into 24 equally sized sections, but haven’t assigned them to people - hoping that @hiromi or someone else here might be able to help organize things from here… :slight_smile:


I’ve just uploaded the lesson 3 transcript to youtube - it’ll take a few hours to be available.

Please ping me when lesson 5 (week 4) is ready and I’ll get that uploaded too.


Sure can. I see @Albertotono is working on the first few sections already :slight_smile:


I don’t see the document for lesson 4 week 5? and hiromi, thanks for the great notes from previous lessons.

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They usually get posted https://forums.fast.ai/t/official-part-1-2020-updates-and-resources-thread/63376

But here are the links to the docs :slight_smile:
L4 transcript
L5 transcript


I just did an unfortunate but realistic reassessment of my time management and don’t think I can reliably help transcribe. I just removed my name from the volunteer list :frowning:


How can I add my name to the volunteer list? I posted a message over a week ago with no response. Do you just add your name somewhere yourself?

Oh no! Sorry. I must have missed it. The list of the volunteer names are the top post of this thread (https://forums.fast.ai/t/lesson-transcriptions-2020-help-wanted/62446) which is a wiki post that you can add :slight_smile:

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Sorry, Stupid question: I see some people have made a few words bold-does YouTube render Bold captions? I haven’t seen them yet.

If not, maybe we should use asterisks around the word to show the same?

Ex: ** important term **

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I believe, there’s no formatting in the YouTube subtitles. There’s a post from Jeremy above that says that: https://forums.fast.ai/t/lesson-transcriptions-2020-help-wanted/62446/32?u=gautam_e

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We just have 6 sections remaining for Lecture 4 that are up for grabs :nerd_face:


Edit: All of lesson 4 is complete!

Next, if you’d like to contribute, we have a few sections in lesson 5 that are yet to be done


I’ll pick up some of them now.
Edit: looks like @SOVIETIC-BOSS88 picked up all the remaining ones.
I’ll just join in the next lecture then.

:grinning: Hi, don’t worry, if you still want we can split the remaining ones. I’ll pick up the upper 3.

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Okay, I’ll pick the ones starting from 1:37:24 then.

Awesome :+1:

Wohooo! The last section remaining will soon be completed by @jona :grinning:

This is amazing, We’re almost done w lesson 4! Thanks everyone! :smiley:

It was done yesterday. Have you refreshed the table of contents recently?

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Oh, sorry-I was looking at the index instead of the paragraph. Thank you!

@Jeremy Lesson 4 is done, ready for upload

All thanks and shoutout to the amazing folks: :pray:

(username | sections done)
@Albertotono 3
@init_27 8
@gautam_e 3
@butchland 3
@lin.crampton 2