Introduce yourself here

Hello everyone,

I’m also starting to write about some industry experiences in ML/NLP applications through a newsletter/blog format. My goals are:

  • Help people to interview and break into data science machine learning roles (I’m also actively thinking about how to improve gender gap, feedbacks welcome!)
  • Share industry experiences in applying SOTA methods to real-world use-cases, what I’ve seen that works well or not, what are really needed and where’s room for improvement.
  • How to implement these technologies at the level of decision-makers, how to sell these ideas in your DS org.

I’m taking Jeremy’s advice two years ago about “just start it”. :blush:
Thank you!

Example posts:



Hey coders! I’m Kyle and I’ve been taking these courses since the first year they were offered. The problem is I took them to understand the content at a high level for my job, but never put in the time to really learn python, pytorch, and under the hood. No more! I made a promise to myself to get to the point in my programming where I’m not just executing code but learning how to do all the more “advance” (for me) programming tricks. My goal is to be able to take part 2 this year and really dive into building the library from scratch.

Looking forward to learning with you all!


Late to the party here! I’m Yijin, currently in the UK. Started learning about and using fastai since 2018 (since library v0.7). And I ran a Deep Learning up-skilling series for ~20 people in my company (Arup) during 2021 Q4, using part1-v4 material, which was very well received by the participants : )

Always super cool to follow the latest iteration of the fastai course, especially the super insightful and creative discussions that happen here.

Not been using Twitter much recently; my github is here (I have a few merged PRs to various fastai-related repos! :muscle: )



Hello everyone,

I am Sourabh goswami and i am form India. t am working as Database Engineer currently and I am starting my Journey in DL on Super happy to be here


Hello all,
My name is Maureen Metzger, and I just realized I first took Part 1 in 2018(!)

In 2016 I decided to learn to Python. I had an advanced degree with some coursework in statistics, but I realized that the world was heading in an interesting new direction, and I wanted to go with it!

I stumbled across after completing a Python sequence and a Machine Learning specialization on Coursera. I completed part 1 and some of part 2, and found the biggest challenge was my limited Python skills. They’re much better now after 4 years heading research and analytics for a healthtech startup. I haven’t gotten much opportunity to use deep learning in my work so far, though. I’m hoping to rectify that by updating my knowledge and skill set.

My primary interest is NLP. I am particularly interested in natural language generation of descriptions and interpretations of tabular data. I’m sure that sounds boring to some, but it’s a very practical need in industry!

As a late middle-age female, I do sometimes feel like an outsider in tech circles, but I am inspired by the energy that all of you young folk bring to this learning community. I hope I can inspire some of you also - if I can do it, so can you!

Look forward to interacting with you all on the forums!


Hi all, seems like I’m late to the party, but reading all your intros made me want to write mine anyway.

My name is Kemal and I’m from The Netherlands where I studied Aerospace Engineering at Delft University (I noticed there’s even a Delft Fastai meetup group). I am working at ASML as Metrology Application Engineer. I basically help customers with achieving optimal performance using ASML machines. This involves data analysis and I am eager to expand my knowledge and skills through the Fastai course. Besides that I would like to compete on Kaggle.

Some links:


Hi I enjoy learning ai with!
Received a bachelors in Business and Masters in Education.
I love hiking, guitar, reading classic fiction, photography, video creating.
I live in Bass Lake, California.
Thank you to everyone who helps out here, this is awesome!
Twitter @MikeHil79276101
Github MikeHill7


Hello everyone!

I am Abhilash sarnad. I am a graduate student at Duke, pursuing master’s in AI.

I am thoroughly enjoying this course and totally in love with Jeremy’s style of teaching. Hoping to learn deep learning and build cool projects!

Would love to connect with y’all!
Follow me:


That sounds very interesting. I’m curious about ASML & the EUV lithograhpy machines being built there. Anything more you can publicly share about the machines & what it means to achieve optimal performance with them ? Maybe this discussion is better suited for one of the Delft Fastai meetups, perhaps see you here.

Hello, I’m Max from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I do not have a degree. I work as a cybersecurity analyst.

For the longest time I’ve been interested in ML and DL, and now that I have a holiday, I am spending it on the FastAI course.

I’m going to use ML in cybersecurity, both offensively and defensively. Then at some point, when my ML skills are decent enough, I plan to make a career change out of security.

Thanks a lot to Jeremy and the other course staff :slight_smile:


Hey Everyone, my name is Mark, I’m a statistician and soon-to-be data scientist from South Africa!

My twitter is @markstentdj …would love to connect

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Hey guys ! I’m Ashvanth from India currently pursuing my undergrad in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Shiv Nadar University Chennai .
A fellow Kaggle expert , while i certainly had no idea about this course until a week back and i know that I’m quite late to join , but as Jeremy says its never to late to begin !
Jeremy way of teaching seems really new to me and is something I’m trying to adapt to hopefully i will get used to it
Would love to connect with the community over here
Twitter -
Kaggle - Ashvanth s | Expert | Kaggle

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Hi everyone
My name is craig
Im a mechanical fitter tradesman in nsw.At work i repair install and manufacture automated industrial machines and in my spare time i do opensource work in mixed reality spatial computing.

Im here to pick up some applied machine learning techniques ive done a little of javascript ml and im interested in recommendation models ,speech to text and computer vision.

What do i mean when i say applied machine learning i mean for example use vision model detect something if detected execute a if a bird is detected on a gardern execute function to activate a hawk sound.



I am Yarik, 26 years old Ukrainian, and I currently reside in different countries across Europe.

I spent my life playing video games and making bots for in-game items to generate profit. I started the course to get into deep learning and develop models for pricing in-game items.

When I got to the tabular data chapter, my interest exploded because I finally got to do the stuff I wanted. I also realized I was not that invested in the course before the tabular chapter.

This time my goal is to create exciting (for me) projects in other areas of DL/ML and fully complete parts I and II of the course.


Hi Nick,

Nice to meet you. My name is Mohammad Sherafati and I have a doctoral degree in physics from the University of Missouri-Columbia. I have started my journey a month ago. From your ID “mizzourah2006” I got curious to learn if you also happen to study at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Hello everyone. It is great to be a part of such a diverse and talented community.

My name is Mohammad Sherafati and I live near Madison, Wisconsin. I am a physicist by training with a doctoral degree in condensed matter and materials physics back in 2013 from the University of Missouri, Columbia.

My physics research has broadly focused on the magnetism and metal-insulator transition in crystalline solids, particularly low-dimensional materials such as graphene, the first two-dimensional material formed as a honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms. I started my AI journey in the summer of 2019 doing research on quantitative MRI. You can explore my research publications on Google Scholar.

Over the past year, I have been teaching physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison but I am taking this semester off to develop deep learning skills and pursue an AI-related career. In search of a proper course/approach, I learned about Jeremy and Fast.AI, and found the top-to-bottom learning method fascinating. I have just started my Fast.AI journey last month and so far, have finished part 1-lesson 1. Alongside the course materials, I am also studying Radek Osmulski’s excellent book titled “Meta Learning”. I think it is a cheerful and must-read guide for anyone embarking on this journey. Thank you @radek for this gift.

I embrace opportunities to collaborate particularly on projects that aim to solve physics, medical physics, or medical imaging problems. Please feel free to reach out. My Twitter ID is @aifizdo and my LinkedIn page is at

On the personal side, I am a father of a 9-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son and a huge fan of soccer and I teach it to my kids. I am also interested in the physics of consciousness and qigong.


Hello everybody :grinning:! My name is Samar Zayan. I am from India. I am in the process of transitioning from a Math educator into a Data Scientist. I am currently enrolled in a Data Science program from IIT Madras and am parallelly pursuing the course. I am excited to work in Applied AI Research in the future and wish to grab my dream job after finishing the course(s). My twitter is @7ilience.

See ya’ll around!


Hi Mohammad,

I completed my undergrad at the University of Missouri-Columbia. I investigated the use of for nlp a few years ago. It was a great first step, but for our needs I was able to get a software engineer on our team and build out a more robust pipeline using the XLM-RoBERTa architecture. However, is an excellent community and Jeremy is an amazing teacher. I learned a ton as a person not formally educated in computer science.

Hi Nick,

Thank you for sharing your story and I am glad to see another Mizzou Tiger here!

Amazing. best of luck. :slight_smile: