Introduce yourself here

Please tell us a bit about yourself, where you are in your deep learning journey, and what you’d like to get out of this course! :slight_smile:

You might want to include a link to your twitter account, so folks can follow your work! My twitter is @jeremyphoward. Twitter is the main way I keep up with what’s happening in the DL world. (If you haven’t used twitter before, you can find people I like following by looking at my list of “likes”, and follow anyone you see that that is posting stuff you thing is interesting:


Hi, I’m Jeremy, and I live in Brisbane, Australia. I’m a founding researcher at, and an honorary professor at the University of Queensland. I’ll be teaching this course!

At university I majored in philosophy, and since that time I’ve worn many hats, starting in management consulting, then founding/co-founding various startups including FastMail, Enlitic, and Kaggle.

I love Malaysian food, watersports, and hanging out with my family. My twitter is @jeremyphoward.


It is that time of our lives again where the amazing icons from all around the world become super active and something magical starts to happen :pray:

Heyyyyyy Everybodyyyy! I’m so happy to see fastai course coming back after a break!

I’m Sanyam Bhutani, a fastai student since 2017-I say student since I have failed at completing my final project and it’s something I keep aiming to do during each iteration, I will try to “graduate” this time :sweat_smile:

I’ve been a huge fan of the incredible fastai family and have really learned a lot by following Jeremy’s advice. I’m super excited to be learning with everyone.

Apart from being active here, I love chai and host the Chai Time Data Science Podcast, the highlight of which was actually a Coffee episode where Jeremy was super kind to interview me!

I love taking bike rides in the himalayas, ensembling chai flavours and playing COD. My twitter is @bhutanisanyam1


Hi, I am Vikrant, and I live in Northern Virginia. I have been working in IT for almost 10 years now. I recently transitioned my career as Machine Learning Engineer. I am very excited to back to these sessions.

I will probably be watching the recordings next day since live session would happen at 4 AM, EST. If you are in EST/CST/PST timezone, pls. let me know. We can form a study group. My Twitter is @vikbehal


Nice to back learning with you, Sanyam


Hey guys, Harish here, and I live in Vancouver, Canada. I have a background in Electronics and Communication Engineering and am currently pursuing my Master’s in Data Science and Computational Linguistics at the University of British Columbia. I was a part of last year’s cohort (V4) and am super excited to be a part of this year’s cohort as well. I would like to enhance my knowledge from the last cohort and my Master’s program and am really looking forward to the NLP and possibly Transformers part of the course! :hugs:

In addition to this, I love music (specifically classic rock), love the outdoors, and am a huge football fan! If anyone is from Vancouver/Seattle area please feel to reach out to me and we can start a study group/meetup for the course. You can also reach out to me on Twitter at @harish3110 :slight_smile:


Hello All,

This is Sandeep Singh and I am working as Applied Deep Learning Engineer at a startup founded by 2 of my friends here in Palo Alto,CA. We do lots of Computer Vision at Satellite images. I have worked through all the previous versions of the course and attended in-person classes at San Francisco as well. Excited to be invited for this course. Exciting part is today only I met @init_27 in San Francisco bay area and we were talking about course. Great day to get started!
My twitter is: sandeepsign


Hello everyone,

I’m super excited to be here! My name is Adi and my journey with Deep Learning has been a bit like this Liz Fosslien drawing. I try and do the course every year and feel like I make a little bit more progress each time.

This is the first time I’ve joined the course “live”. Thank you for the invite team. I don’t come from a dev background or have a day job in AI so this is extra special for me. :slight_smile:

Wanted to call out Zach Mueller @muellerzr from previous courses who has been amazingly helpful on the forums.



Great to hear props for @muellerzr :smiley:


Hi, I am Sunil Tapashetti. I live in Bangalore. I Have been attempting the Fastai course right from 2018. I am an Electronics and Communications engineer with work experience in aircraft maintenance. I do not have a strong programming background and hence find it slightly hard to understand some of the advanced coding techniques. Even in earlier versions of the course I got lots of help from the Forum. I hope to complete the course this time. My twitter is: @tapashettisr


Hello There,

This is Imran, from Bangalore India. I’ve got about 16 years’ experience in IT. I got introduce to machine learning and deep learning about 6 years ago. I initially started off with TensorFlow and then moved on to Keras. Though I was able execute the sample code from various tutorials, I was unable to get an intuitive understanding and I restricted myself to basic CNNs.

I was not until I got introduced to FastAI where I understood how and why things worked. I progressed with the lessons, and in fact used one of them (RetinaNet) to solve a task which officially transitioned me into datascience role in my previous organization.

Personally, lessons are only a fraction of the things that FastAI offer. With this vibrant, rich community I was able to participate (and win medal) in Kaggle competition(s), create high voted notebooks and dive into reproduction of NLP research. The learnings from these tasks immensely helped with my regular job and ramp-up my portfolio.

Right now, I work as an AI - Technical Solutions Specialist with Intel India, I help my customers to optimize their machine learning and deep learning workloads on Intel hardware (CPUs, FPGAs, ASICs, GPUs). I also give talks on application of deep learning techniques with Intel hardware on various business domains.

Feel free to connect with me on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Francesco, from Italy!
Founder of Quantyca and Blindata, I started my journey in DL on and I am super happy to be here again!!!


Hi all! My name is Pablo, from Spain. I have been following Fastai for some years now, and I’m always humbled to return to this special event. I’m really looking forward to seeing what’s new!

I work in a small startup, where we sometimes apply cutting-edge algorithms and other times use more common techniques like regular expressions or whatever gets the job done. One of the greatest challenges in this field is to keep up with new stuff, so I’m really grateful to the Fastai team for this recurring event :slight_smile:

You can find me at @pablo_gps on Twitter


Hi, I am Abhishek Sharma. I’ve been here since 2018 and I really love how this course is taught. It has transformed my career, despite continuously failing to complete the projects. I will turn it around this time. My Twitter is @alepthoughts.

I like to read about science and philosophy. Looking forward to see you all in the classroom.


Hey, I’m Elias and I’m from Estonia. At work I do web application development but machine learning has been passion of mine for a few years. I watched my first fastai course while I was in high school so it’s interesting to get to participate again with more knowledge.

My twitter is @reallankinen


Hey folks! So grateful to get to know people around here from all around the world. I have been studying fastai for the last year more or less at my own pace…

As much as I’d love to introduce myself, I kinda like my privacy online - 'cause whatever you post, kinda stays forever on the internet. But by the time I complete my project, based on fastai, I will share more personal info completely!

Just for the little sake of decency: I’ve studied computing engineering (B.Sc.) and now I’ve been in Berlin, DE. But more to come, I promise. :wink:

Hope to get to know you all one day in person!
@jeremy @init_27 @vikbehal @harish3110 @sandeepsign @aditya.swami @muellerzr @tapashettisr @imrandude @gianferrarif @Pablo @alephthoughts @Lankinen


Hafidz here from Malaysia. Currently leading the effort to setup an analytics team at a local bank.

Unfortunately what that entails is also a lack of any serious ML/DL work for the past few years (nowadays I’m more focused on data platforms, analysis and - user research of all things :slight_smile: ). Happy to be back in the cohorts (been around since 2017 I think) and learning from everyone. Wishing to use this opportunity to get up to speed on the latest in ML/DL.

Feel free to connect with me on Twitter and LinkedIn


Hi everyone! I’m Stefan from Germany. I’m based in Prague, Czech Republic and I work as a data scientist in telecommunications. I have a Master’s degree in economics and initially launched my career in project management. I started my ML/DL learning journey in 2018 and took my first fastai course in 2019, which played a huge role in making it possible for me to switch to data science. I am super excited to be part of this new iteration and very grateful to be invited :slight_smile:


Hello all!

My name is Tanishq Abraham. I have done a lot of things over the years but I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Engineering at University of California, Davis.

I started out in deep learning by taking the course MOOC in Jan. 2019. Since then, I have been very active in the community (one of the all-time top contributors on the forums, contributor in Discord as well, and several contributions to the library itself), Kaggle (I am a Kaggle Notebooks and Discussion Master, have received two silver competition medals) and the ML community in general (active in research efforts at EleutherAI and other online communities). It is because of that I eventually pursued ML in medicine research for my Ph.D.

I am developing a library written in fastai which I use for my research: GitHub - tmabraham/UPIT: A fastai/PyTorch package for unpaired image-to-image translation.

Check out my website:
Check out my blog: Tanishq Abraham’s blog | My blog with tutorials and thoughts.
Check out my Twitter:

Glad to be part of this new course, and looking forward to it! I will be around on the forums to answer questions to the best of my ability :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello folks! I’m Andrea, from Italy.
Kind of ‘old’ Fastai student, starting from 2017; glad to be onboard (thanks for the invite, of course). Mathematician by university studies, I work as data scientist, and have used Fastai to train, analyze and deploy numerous commercially successful AI models.
Until a few days ago, I was completely oblivious of the new course. It has been a very pleasant surprise…
Also happy to see that old buddies like @init_27 are amongst us!