Hello everyone, I’m qijia from China. I am a software engineer with 10 years of experience. I love data science and find it a fascinating field. The teaching style of fastai is unique, starting with practice and encouraging communication and sharing. They also provide useful function libraries and make some of their teaching resources freely available. I hope to have a broader perspective and stronger ability to solve practical problems after completing this course. If possible, I would love to pursue a research job in the field of deeplearning (although such opportunities are rare and my education level is not high), and I will be passionate about completing this course.
Hi all! I’m Jose from Boston and have been a software engineer for ~6 years. I’m here because I want to grow my skill set and I am deeply fascinated with where AI is going and to understand how we got here so quick. I’m hoping to learn as much as possible from the course and the community! Would love to at one point have an in person group meetup in the Boston area, so if anyone also shares that interest please reach out! Thanks!
Hi all!
I’m Martin from Germany.
It’s my third or forth try to get in neural nets and AI.
I tried books an courses but didn’t manage to get reasonable results beside of the course/ book topics, mainly on computer vision.
I like @jeremy s way to present the topics in the course videos.
I think I will learn al lot.
My main interest lays on images, generated or not.
Is there anybody around my area sharing my interests?
Hi everyone! My name is Andrew Rose (he/him); I’m from Vancouver, Canada. I have a bachelor’s in software engineering with an AI specialization from University of Victoria. I work on AI-powered music tools at a startup called Audialab, where my job title is “Data Dragon/AI All-Star”. My boss directed me to power through this course to upgrade my AI skills, so that’s what I’m doing. Here’s my Twitter.
Hello I’m Thomas I’m new to deep machine learning and I want to change that!
Fun fact about me: a looong time ago (in 1997) I wrote a master thesis about Natural Language Processing using SRN (Simple Recurrent Network). This was so long ago and that architecture so long forgotten that I say I’m a newbie.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TomaszRomanow10
Hi everyone, My name is Prakhar Tiwari and I’m new to this community and this course writing here after doing two chapters of the book and 2 lectures of the course. I’m a student in a university studying Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and I hope that I complete this course and build good projects.
Hi everyone,
I just started the course and already find it great. I am part of a non-profit that builts crowdsourcing apps. We created an app for people to self-report outages in the aftermathof Hurricane Maria: Apagon (it means outage in spanish).
I am interested in using deep learning to predict outages. I am also interested in using visual models to improve ground response time.
Hi Everyone,
This is Karthi from India. I went through a few lectures from the 2020 version of the FastAI course when I was in my undergraduate degree but I was overwhelmed by AI and decided it is not for me, things turned out very differently and I am currently working as an associate software developer. Though I am building ML pipelines at work I feel there are lots of gaps in my knowledge. I am here to relearn all the concepts and hopefully build great things. My Twitter is AI_Swordsman.
Hello folks, Started the course this week, hoping to learn a lot from the community and excited to share my knowledge with the community. Taking this course to strengthen my practical side of deep learning.
Want to get in touch with me, Twitter handle (deep learning community’s party hall ): simplyjaga
Hi everyone! I’m Remmer from the Philippines. Just started my deep learning journey this year for my graduate thesis. I am using ML for drug design and discovery.
Hi everybody,
I have just completed my bachelor’s degree in computer science. My thesis project was my first serious deep learning project (‘deep learning for sales forecasting’). When working on my thesis I did some of the DL Coursera courses from deeplearning.ai and I liked them a lot.
I am currently enrolled in a master’s but really want to work on practical projects now. So the idea is to drop out as soon as I find a job as data scientist or ml engineer. To get there I now do the fastai course as well as walkwithfastai revisited (I like it a lot) and try to compete in various kaggle competitions, starting with fastai as a baseline.
I will open source all my experiments etc. on the way.
Happy learning all!
Twenty years ago, in a post-communist Romania, I was a 24 year old student that had the option to do the bachelor thesis in Artificial Intelligence.
It was the first thing that excited me and sparked my imagination in the whole 5 years of telecommunications engineering.
However, I soon realized there was no infrastructure for AI, and because I needed money to survive, I took a route that led to corporate jobs that I hated for the next 10 years.
Now at 44 I am in a place where I can learn AI and have some ideas where to apply it.
It’s good to feel excited again and even if I wish I had started 20 years ago, it’s better now than never.
Thank you for this course and this community!
PS: I live now in Zurich and if someone wants to go out for a coffee or something, just PM me.
Hi Everyone
SUMMARY: I’m new to AI / but not new to Programming / and with deep Systems-Engineering and Complexity-Theory background / plus some (Brain & Neurology Networks !) knowledge.
I hope I can post some important points soon.
Pleased to be with such nice gathering.
Eng. Habib
Hello everyone.
I’m Caroline from Zimbabwe, currently studying a BSc degree in Computer Science with the University of London. I am excited to take this course to gain practical experience working with models, frameworks and libraries. I am hoping to join the course live next time😊
I work in a small startup, where we sometimes apply cutting-edge algorithms and other times use more common techniques like regular expressions or whatever gets the job done. One of the greatest challenges in this field is to keep up with new stuff, so I’m really grateful to the Fastai team for this recurring event
Hi Everyone,
Im Mehnaaz a hard core application developer. Here starting a new journey with Machine Learning through this course. I had done Andrew Neg’s course 4 years ago. I have taken a small break from work and now diving into Machine Learning. I am scared, but doing lesson by lesson.
I am not very much interested in Machine learning. But I dont want to be left out. I’m an alumni of IIIT . Its great to even see alma mattern being mentioned for the pet’s database. [oxford-iiit]
These small things do matter Jermey you are an amazing teacher. Thanks for this wonderful course. Hoping that I will make you proud!
I would like to connect with people who have also moved from another field and have found solace in AI .
Hi , I am Pranav Ajay and I live in Kerala,India . I am a student from VIT university and an aspiring AI engineer. I hope this course will help me in acheiving my dreams.
Hello all you beautiful people. My name is Markus and I’m here because I want to build an NLP solution with Python, HuggingFace and fast.ai and to learn more about ML, NLP an everything AI. I’m not yet very proficient in coding but willing to invest what it takes to get better. I hope to have good contacts and discussions here and I’m looking forward to interacting with you all. Have a good time and stay safe.
I’m a Neurobiologist trying to learn as much AI as possible to transition into Bioinformatics. I love to learn and I love learning projects like this one. I’m so glad to be here. Hope to see you around