Introduce yourself here

Hi everyone :wave: !
I recently started the course. I’m a CS major from India. I am a beginner but I wanna make some fun stuff lol. If someone else is also going through the course, shoot me a message maybe we could study and make something together.
Glad to be here.


Good evening y’all! I’m an engineer by training (the dirt and concrete kind), and an entrepreneur in what’s now called nature based solutions. My claim to fame is growing living oyster reefs into coastal protection structures. I’m looking forward to applying course content against environmental challenges. If I had to pick a pet project for the short term, it would be enhancing images taken in very low visibility waters.

So far I’ve got the first two videos and first exercise down. I’ve done some of the Kaggle trainings as well. I had previously picked up some decent skills in data analysis with Python and Jupyter notebooks. Between the day job and family, I am moving very slow. At the rate I’m going, it looks like I’ll be joining the 2023 class as well. Based on some of the introductions here, I should be in good company :wink:

I’m looking forward to learning with you!


Hi everyone! My name is Ashley, and I’m a postdoc working on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. I’m specifically looking at applications of deep learning in quantitative MRI, especially Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping. Looking forward to joining in the discussion!


Great bro! you can keep the good fight on!

Hello every one! My name is Nebyu and I’m from Ethiopia (The capital of Africa). I want to have hands on experience on deep learning for a project and to teach others then. i’m beginner practitioner on ML but i’m sure things will get order soon if i start soon so let’s dive in! 2022-12-14T21:00:00Z

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You just got another follower :slight_smile:


That really means a lot to me Jeremy. Thanks :pray:

Hi all,

I am Sathrukan and I’m from India. This is my first deep learning course and I am really excited. To connect and collaborate ping me in twitter or reply here. My twitter ID is @Lebowski_7. You may know it by my twitter handle name I like Big Lebowski Movie. Well that’s all about me.


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Hi all!

I’m a software and data engineer from France. I studied artificial intelligence 20 years ago and now I feel it’s time to learn about it again :smile: Starting the course now.


Hey everyone,

I’m a cs student in Germany originally from the US. I’ve wasted a lot of time getting bogged down in theory and am hoping to finally get some practical skills so that I can pursue some interesting projects and combat this dang imposter syndrome.


Hey everybody! My name is Ezra and I very recently started learning python with the help of Chat GPT. I’ve been self releasing music for the past 3 years, doing all of my own engineering and visual art. After coming into contact with modern ai I realized its something I have a lot of interest and passion for. I watched the first lesson today and I am currently working on getting my first model working. Very happy for this course and opportunity. My twitter handle is @KandyVoid. Would love to connect :slight_smile:


HI! My name is Bill, and I live in San Diego, California, USA.

I am working in software testing for a company that makes portable insulin pumps for diabetes care. I have a little experience with python and with swift/iOS app development. I like studying math (currently working through a book on Galois theory).

I am slowly working through fastai Lesson Two: Deployment. I put up a a classifier on a Hugging Face Space and I have started a Quarto blog to show my progress.

The course seems great so far, and it’s exciting to see people here from all over the world! :slight_smile:




My name is Claudiu and I am a software engineer. I am new to AI, but it seems an interesting topic to know about!

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Hi, I’m Muhammed Thayyib, and I am from Kerala, India. Currently working as data scientist(but am a student) in Gurgaon, India. I completed B.Tech in polymer engineering and dropped M.Tech in polymer engineering. During the covid, I came to know that there is a language called python :grin: So I thought I should try it. Then changed everything(Covid pandemic saved me). I have dedicated my self 9 months, I set a dream that I would be a data scientist. I sit in Brototype and got an internship at Delab. @bipin introduced me this course. Tried to do this course two times but went to beginner friendly courses. Finally I joined here, I took an oath that I won’t do any course other than this course. my twitter, my Linkedin


Hello all,

Joining in from the Netherlands. I’am changing from a passive learner to be an active learner. I am here to learn 4 things:

  • Be an active learner and interact with the community
  • Why to apply deeplearning
  • On what to apply deeplearning
  • How to apply deeplearning in my job.

I am here to stumble, mumble, question and be helped. So eventually i hope to be helpful to others.


Well, let’s go!

Hi everybody, I’m Eduardo Yáñez from Madrid (Spain), although I’m living in Brussels (Belgium) since 2015. I work as a software engineer and wanted to follow the course since it was ready the first time, but decided to do other things at the time. A month ago I started it, and I’m doing it little by little. I’m not in a hurry, and also doesn’t have too much time, but I like the subject a lot, and want to finish it.

In case you want to connect, this is my Twitter account @eduardo_yanez. There I’ve created a public list related to AI in case you want to be aware of what’s happening in the AI world but don’t want to follow everybody.


Hi Everyone,
I am Bhavya Giri a sophomore-year engineering student in New Delhi, India. I started learning machine learning in March’23. Today (15th April,23) marks the day I am beginning my Deep Learning journey with a combination of the Course and Practical Deep Learning for Coders book.
Actively try to contribute to Kaggle (Bhavya Giri | Contributor | Kaggle), although I haven’t done much but slowly and steadily will build it up.
Feel free to connect and collaborate with me on LinkedIn and Twitter


I’m James. I’m in Seattle, WA, USA. This is my third (?) attempt at learning deep learning and AI. I got here after reading Swyx’s wonderful article, You Are Not Too Old (To Pivot Into AI) - by swyx (

I studied philosophy in college, and since then I have been a barista, a line cook, a bus driver, a lawyer, and a software developer. As a software developer, I now specialize in devops, and have management responsibilities.

In fact, after I get my feet on the ground, I wish to contribute to the community by helping with AWS. But today, I have plenty of catching up to do on the course, so I may be slow to respond if you ask for help. I’ll get there!

I’m interested in NLP, and especially in using transformer models to increase access within the justice system by reducing the cost of legal services by … I hope …10-100x.


Hi, I’m Yacine, and I live in Strasbourg, France.

After my service in the military, I have retrained as a software developer 5 years ago and I’m happily enjoying the fact that the code rabbit-hole has no end !

However, my total lack of knowledge regarding AI has been buzzing in the back of my head for far too long. So here am I taking the course ! I guess it will sometimes be hard for me to grasp a few concepts (I should have listened to my mum when she urged me to be more serious in my math education when I was playing Baldur’s gate 2 a lot during high school…) but I’m willing to take the climb :slight_smile:

To put it simply: I don’t want to be a blind consumer of AI APIs: I also want to understand them, at least the main concepts behind them.

I also want to thank everyone involved in the creation of this course and platform for the wonderful content you are sharing here !

Cheers !


Hi everyone,

I’m James and I live just outside London in the UK. I completed the 2020 version of practical deep learning for coders, but then didn’t have time to keep it up as I’m also doing my MBA and working as an airline pilot.

However, I’m now coming to the end of my MBA and I’m more determined than ever to build an AI start-up, so I’ve decided to start again at day 1 and see what has changed in the last three years (I’m sure there’s a lot!).

Look forward to sharing my journey with you and to seeing what other projects everyone is working on throughout the course… and if anyone wants to collaborate on business ideas please get in touch!

All the best,