You cannot put HTML in that file, confusingly you can only put markdown in that file. I know its counter intuitive. I think if you rename it to .md you can embed HTML in there.
With codespace now is it possible to run fastpage with local docker for hot reloading and able to view the page?
It would save my effort to syncing my repository in multiple machine and just use codespace as my repository for taking notes and write mini blog on it.
I am trying to figure out how to use images and docker with the local files (I am a bit of a noob). According to to add an image I need to use ![](my_icons/fastai_logo.png), but this doesn’t seem to work for me. Also, the baseurl doesn’t seem to work like it should. [2020-11-07 06:04:42] ERROR `/' not found.. Baseurl is correct, but whenever I try to access the link through Docker it shows
so I have to manually add /Blogging/ to localhost:4000. After I manually add /Blogging/ it works.
So my questions are:
How do I fix ERROR `/' not found
how can I add photos to my project since adding them to _notebooks/my_icons doesn’t seem to work. [2020-11-07 05:40:50] ERROR `/Blogging/jupyter/explanation/2020/11/04/my_icons/loss2.PNG' not found.
What I meant by manually adding /Blogging/ is that I add /Blogging/ in the url after I start docker. It connects to localhost:4000 and I have to manually add /Blogging/. I removed it, but I put it back in a later commit.
When I start the local server with docker in the cmd it says
but when I open in browser this is what starts and I get this error
Sorry for not being explicit from the beginning.
Hello there! I’m having trouble getting the utterance comments to appear at the bottom of my markdown and notebook posts. Here is what I’ve tried:
installed the Utterances app and confirmed through my blog repo settings that the Utterances app is installed, that it has read access to metadata and read/write access to issues, and that it has permission to access my blog repo.
confirmed that issues are enabled for my blog repo
Uncaught Error: Invalid repo: "/blog"
at pa (utterances.8ca43796.js:1)
at utterances.8ca43796.js:1
at utterances.8ca43796.js:1
at utterances.8ca43796.js:1
Ok, so eventually I figured out that I wasn’t setting the github_username variable in _config.yml, so the repo reference was invalid. Correctly setting github_username seems to fix the issue.
At my company i’m building a flask compatible version of FastPages.
It builds on the simplest/best practices inspired flask app design.
It is heavily inspired by BentoML’s design and incorporates Pandas and Plotly (and some machine learning libs like SKtime, LightGBM, SHAP, Optuna, etc.).
The project allows one to point to a folder which contains .ipynb notebooks.
It will update them automatically if new source data is present or a code change has occurred in the notebook)
It inserts some useful inits (suppressing warnings, setting plotly renderers, etc).
executes all cells of the notebook (for automatic updating of content).
Stores the resulting html in a sql database(along with metadata).
And allows one to retrieve the posts and serve them through flask (and uses the search functionality). These pages can be inserted in an iframe for example.
It also allows the notebook to be rendered as a Reveal.JS presentation instead of a page.
The system has some more integrations (like automatic triggers for scrapers, which in turn trigger tables to be updated, which triggers plots to be updated which in turn triggers the notebook to be updated).
There is also a flask-login integration, allowing one to set access.
I did not fork the fastpages repo, instead I monkey patched some NBdev code (heavily inspired by fastpages (from the _actionfiles folder).
I have seen a kubernetes implementation which seems like an interesting take.
The main difference is that my solution uses a simple CRUD app with some task queues and cron jobs combined with a ci/cd pipeline which checks for code differences (it stores a hash of the source code of each plot/table/notebook/dashboard).
Would there be any interest in me sharing this project?
Hey, I just create a blog with fastpages (awesome project btw) and I was doing some changes but when I go to Actions it always appears two workflow file as you can see in the image. One succeded commit and the other one failed. Although the changes I made always appear, I would like to know if this is normal since I only commit once. Thanks in advance…
Hi all,
Thanks a lot for developing fastpages – I just started using it to setup my blog and it looks really good, easy-to-use and user-friendly
I just wanted to know whether Bokeh interactive plots were supported now? I see that it wasn’t originally, as stated in an earlier post of yours @hamelsmu, as well as in this blog post.
But maybe is it the case now (although I couldn’t find any announcement on Google)? I use Bokeh a lot, so it’s definitely a feature I’d love and use
Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks again for all your work, and stay safe in these difficult times!