[fastpages] GitHub Pages Blog Using Nbdev

Some initial thoughts on areas we need help (feel free to propose more):

  1. Adding collapsable code cells ( would need a contribution to nbdev to enable this )
  2. Adding support for other interactive charting libraries like bokeh
  3. Make code highlighting prettier
  4. Make notebook rendering prettier in general
  5. More integration between nbdev and fastpages, such as for showdoc and jekyll notes ( I don’t think its compatible because the CSS is not compatible, perhaps someone that is good at that kind of thing might be able to help)
  6. More tests, CI to help maintainers catch errors, a way to see a preview of the website from PRs so we don’t have to clone forks and preview
  7. Adding documentation

Those are the things I can think of off hand, but will keep adding to this list as I think of more. Feel free to jump in and add suggestions on things you would like to see!