[fastpages] GitHub Pages Blog Using Nbdev

This is just a public-service notice: For those (with outdated fastpages installations) getting messages about updating security vulnerabilities in ‘nokogiri’, as in
telling us to upgrade from 1.10.7 to 1.10.8…

The GitHub help page suggests pressing a button for “Create automated security update” but I don’t have any such button.

Instead, you can just edit the Gemfile.lock file, find the line where it says “nokogiri (1.10.7)” and change it to “nokogiri (1.10.8)
Once that change is committed, it’ll automatically trigger a pull request and merge it, and the vulnerability will be patched.

…Or you could just fork a new fastpages installation! Probably better in the long run, but this was a good learning exercise for me. :wink:

EDIT: Oh wait! That update patched the security warning but the full blog didn’t actually build: Failed build results. Seems there’s now an issue with concurrent-ruby refusing to run. Ok. Will probably destroy-and-recreate the blog with a brand-new Fastpages fork.

I am hosting my blog on Github Pages using Fastpages.

Blog Link: https://soumik12345.github.io/geekyrakshit-blog/

Repository Link: https://github.com/soumik12345/geekyrakshit-blog/

Upon adding my latest post (12th post), the build is failing and I am getting the following error in the pipeline:

URI error : Memory allocation failed : reaching arbitrary MAX_URI_LENGTH limit

URI error : Memory allocation failed : escaping URI value

URI error : Memory allocation failed : reaching arbitrary MAX_URI_LENGTH limit

Is it because of some limitation of Jekyll of Github Pages itself?

Can you try following these steps https://github.com/fastai/fastpages/blob/master/_fastpages_docs/TROUBLESHOOTING.md

People are posting so many interesting things online using Fastpages. I went through a quick search on github pages and found many interesting things to read and learn. I am wondering if we should create a thread where everyone can share links of their blog or interesting papers posted online by using fastpages. Something similar to show your work thread in fastai forum.


Good idea! Why don’t you start a thread and seed it with some of your favorite posts? Maybe even ask Jeremy if he wants to do a wiki thread

If not I certainly can, I love the idea! (I know they’re busy with the last book edits right now :slight_smile: )

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Sure please go ahead
Create the thread and wiki

I’ll leave that to you and how you’d like to format it, I’ll just Wikify it :wink:

Let me look at it tomorrow

Cool! I didn’t know you had those superpowers!!! Thanks allot @muellerzr


Do we have a share your FastPages wiki yet?

Happy to help with that!

Yes we do :slight_smile:

Right here: Awesome Fastpages. Share your Blog - #2 by howard.haowen

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I’ve got a question regarding Twitter cards. I have tried updating the _includes/head.html file using the code snippet Jeremy provided, but the Twitter card validator won’t show the large image version; it only displays the small side-by-side image. I thought that this should be controlled by the content="summary_large_image" in the bit below:

Has anybody figured out how to make the Twitter card larger? Note that the "twitter:card" variable is not set anywhere else in my blog repo.

PS Jeremy, if you’re reading this, I really really really want to say thanks for your suggestions to begin a blog and to join Twitter, and for retweeting my work!

You’re welcome! So glad it’s working out well for you :slight_smile:

I’m hoping to start using fastpages instead of fast_template. Thanks for all the hardwork @hamelsmu to make the docs very clear for fastpages! I did have one question I wasn’t able to find the answer to - if I have already made a blog following fast_template, does this old repo created by fast_template need to be deleted before creating a repo using fastpages? Is there an easy way to transfer the fast_template blog posts to the new blog? If I need to delete the old one, I guess I’ll just need to use a local copy to restore the blog posts manually to the new fastpages blog, right?

Edit: Actually, I just remembered I have two questions. I use google docs instead of microsoft word; is there a way to upload google docs as blog posts, or is only .docx supported? If the latter, does anyone have an easy way to convert google docs to markdown (or to .docx)?

Another question - I’m looking heavily into using the Ghost CMS for my blog and hosting from Github Pages. As I understand it, the main attractions to using fastpages is that it 1) is quick and easy, 2) is free and 3) converts jupyter notebooks and word docs automatically into blog posts (into md files).

Ghost shares attractions 1 and 2. Ghost’s main advantage over fastpages in my mind is that it has great themes and a nice UI for editing (it also is headless and can be used with any hosting service). But if I understand correctly, it doesn’t have out-of-the-box conversions of jupyter notebooks / word docs for you.

Is there a way I can get that advantage and still use Ghost? I am totally new to the blog-o-sphere so I apologize if this is obvious. Thanks!

not easily no

only docx but i think you can save as directly to this format

Thanks for the quick replies!

Could you briefly explain how the conversion from jupyter notebook to blog post happens (a beginner-friendly explanation :wink:)? Is it creating a markdown file? If so, couldn’t I use the process fastpages is using to create markdown files and put them into my Ghost blog?

Also, what about my original question about switching from fast_template to fastpages? Do I need to delete my fast_template repo before using fastpages?

Thanks again for the hard work; I really love the fastai community and all that you guys do

Please read the README carefully. It answers these questions.

You have to manually move your blogs over to fastpages into the correct folder