[fastpages] GitHub Pages Blog Using Nbdev

I’ve been trying to solve this issue for past few days, it seems like some css for the image gets overridden when page is ready.

While loading the page:

On page ready:

My conjecture was that it’s happening due to image.html. If anyone could explain this behavior, that would be a big help.

What is the difference between While loading the page and On page ready?

P.S. it is much appreciated if you have an issue to start a separate thread, when possible rather than having a mega troubleshooting thread as that dilutes the ability for folks to search later on… not a big deal just thought I should mention this.


I’ve created a separate thread regarding this issue. Looking forward for comments on this :slightly_smiling_face:

Is it possible to use #collapse and #hide_output both on a single cell?

Why not try?

I did in several ways, like #collapse first, #hide_output first, both on single line - separated by space, both on new lines, etc.

Nothing worked

@sgugger what do you think should we make all of these flags multiline? My only fear is that people will trigger these comments inadvertently somewhere in their code and may be surprised

Thoughts? I can submit a PR but am not 100% sure this is a good design.

Any thoughts on removing those tags on conversion?

Here I’ve used the #collapse tag to hide the code cell, which has kept the tag being used for the same. This might confuse the readers if seen frequently in the blog

In the rest of nbdev, those are multiline: it’s very common to have a cell that has a test flag and a hide flag. So this would be consistent with this. I’m surprised hide_output is not multiline already.

Good point. Opened a PR to fix this add multi-line for flags by hamelsmu · Pull Request #139 · fastai/nbdev · GitHub

fastpages is the most BEAUTIFUL thing on the internet right now!

I’m just playing around with it and it feels like magic, just THANK YOU!

Is there any simple way in which I could help, I just feel like I owe something back for this. :sweat_smile:

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  • Is this enabled in fastpages? seems like nbdev current version is 0.2.18 while fastpages-nbdev.Dockerfile is using 0.2.17.

Also I tried using multi-line tags but didn’t work.

  • cc: @hamelsmu

  • Is it possible to hide markdown cells? I’m looking for a way to hide a group of code and markdown cell, just like “Collapsible headings” nbextension.

  • we will have to wait until a new release of nbdev for multiline flags to be turned on, might take a couple of weeks

  • I don’t think there is a way to hide markdown cells, currently.

  • No not planning on hiding the flags as comments

What is the right way to get all the latest changes from upstream (fastpages) and basing my work onto it?

I tried rebasing master onto upstream/master but it says no merge base found.

I’ve also tried merging upstream/master and local master, but it brings up 700+ commits after merge.

I even tried to create a patch of my changes and applying that on a branch based on latest commit of fastpages, but that too, didn’t work.

EDIT: I guess merge is the right way :sweat_smile: those 700+ commits merely becomes part of my git history which is fine I guess.

I suppose you need to merge once and rebase afterwards.

Is there a reason you cannot use the Automated upgrade process?

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Sorry, I was unaware of that, but glad that such provision exists. It’s super cool :star_struck:

@kshitijpatil09 fastpages is now using the latest version of nbdev, you can now upgrade.

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Can I customize somehow in order to add some kind of like button or star button in my post? Wouldn’t it be more interesting if we get like from reader.

You would have to customize that on your own

You can try to install a plugin like Disqus for that: Disqus comments setup for Jekyll but this is not a feature in fastpages

See how to customize fastpages