[fastpages] GitHub Pages Blog Using Nbdev

I haven’t been able to get Bokeh to work, but you should in theory be able to customize fastpages with enough knowledge of CSS/HTML/JS if you are inclined.

Thanks for the quick answer @hamelsmu!
I should add that what I’m trying to do is just to display a Bokeh plot in a notebook, like it’s done for Altair in the example post on the demo site.
Are you saying that I should be able to just embed the Bokeh HTML into the generated markdown file?

An unrelated issue I encountered is that Matplotlib plots don’t size well – they get squished, like this for example:

Is there something I need to configure to display plots correctly?

Thanks again for your help, really appreciate it!

Can you resize the plots when they are generated? I believe the problem is that the charts are resized so that fit in the frame. If you try to resize them to a smaller size when they are generated you might be able to avoid this problem.

Hi @hamelsmu, sorry for the slow reply – work was hectic these last two days :hot_face:

Can you resize the plots when they are generated?

I tried that, basically using MPL’s defaut plot size, and that doesn’t work either because it now fits in fastpages’ box, but the plot is just too small in Jupyter:

So I think what I’m looking for is a way to specify to fastpages to display the plots with 100% width and use a scrollbar when it doesn’t fit into the container. Does this make sense? And is it even possible?

Hi @hamelsmu! I did some experiments and think I pinned down the problem: it seems that the <img> tags in the markdown file automatically generated by fastpages don’t set the images as responsive by default.

If you just add class="img-fluid" (built-in class from Bootstrap) to every <img> tags in the generated .md file, images behave well!

Does it seem like a simple solution? If yes, I’d be happy to file an issue on GitHub. Take care and let me know what you think :vulcan_salute:

I am not sure I can easily change the image tags but I can add css . Do you mind playing with css to add the styling you want and let me know what works for you? I’m happy to change it after that I just don’t want to guess

Hi @hamelsmu! Something weird (but good weird :sweat_smile:) happened: through some magic, the images are now responsive!
If you go the blog post I was working on, you can see that they display well and scale with the screen.
I am completely clueless as to why that happened, but it did :man_shrugging:

So I’ll stop bothering you here. I just hope things are in order now and that images will still be responsive for coming blog posts :crossed_fingers:

Thanks again for you assistance here (and your work on fastpages in general), I really appreciate it! Take care :vulcan_salute:

Hi @muellerzr I have got my feed URL, but how can I find the file which I should paste my link to?

Hi @hamelsmu, are you guys still planning on implementing this for Hugo, or is that discontinued?

Not currently working on it, we might pick it up in the future

Hi @hamelsmu !
I was wondering how to make post’s description searchable. I have some information in the post description which is not repeated in the content of the post. Is there a way to make the description of the post searchable by the search bar? Currently, it just searches the title & content

Screenshot 2022-02-22 at 12.40.37 PM
How to remove the “Subscribe via RSS” from the webpage?