General course chat

Yes they will. It is written in the firs message in this thread

Recordings of the lectures will be available immediately after the lesson ends - although we would ask that you really try to join live if at all possible, otherwise you won’t be able to interact during the class.

Thanks a bunch, @leac! I knew I read it somewhere, I just couldn’t find it :slight_smile:

thank you sir.

@rachel @jeremy if i’m writing a blog post on this, Can i use the notebook link i.e the fast ai v3 repo or should i just individually use the code and respective docs?

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Perhaps post a draft here first of your post?

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8 posts were split to a new topic: Deconvolution issue

I don’t currently have permission to edit this wiki post (perhaps this account needs more trust level?)

The Platform: Sagemaker link currently points to:
Could we please point it at: ?

My fault for forgetting to make it a wiki. Fixed now. Do you mind trying again?

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Works perfectly now, thanks Jeremy.

I am looking into the installation instructions for Google Compute Platform. Specifically, I followed the link in “To install on MacOS, follow the instructions detailed in points 1 to 4 here” under “Step 2: Install Google CLI” on Mac.

The first step under “Before you Begin” says to make sure python 2.7 is installed on your system, but there is also a note saying " Note: As of Cloud SDK version 206.0.0, the gcloud CLI has experimental support for running using a Python 3.4+ interpreter (run gcloud topic startup for exclusions and more information on configuring your Python interpreter). All other Cloud SDK tools still require a Python 2.7 interpreter."

I am using python 3.6. In light of the note will I be okay to use Google Compute Platform anyway?

Apologies for already posting this question once in “Lesson 1: Class Discussion and Resources,” but I learned that this is the more appropriate thread.

I am sorry about the confusion. Could you try this guide instead with Python 3.6?

I think it should work but let me know if it doesn’t.

@areevesman I think this is the correct thread to get this adressed

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Wasn’t sure where to mention this but

Step 4: the file dir seems to have changed and this:

cd tutorials/fastai/course-v3
git checkout .
git pull

…no longer works and as such is obv no longer a git repo.

Would be good to get a steer also on where I should mention these corrections going forward if this is wrong place :smile:

Yup fixed that earlier today - thanks. Better places to mention are , or best is a PR to


I am trying to run the pets-notebook and I encounter the following error:

----> 1 learn = ConvLearner(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate) AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'resnet34'

Any ideas?

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This error is speficially mentioned in the FAQ. Don’t forget to check it, or do a quick search on the forum before posting!

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Any chance you might include a lesson on Text to Speech? I find Deep Voice 3 fascinating

I’ve been try out a couple of open source implementations which work pretty, it would be nice to understand more about how they work…


Yes I’d like to in part 2.


FAIR released faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN for pytorch 1.0, if anyone is interested. Good place to take a look until we go over it in the course (I’d guess part 2).


Try to look and see if there is a course-v3 folder under under the home directory with ls.