Hi everyone,
I’m trying to duplicate the solver Jeremy uses in Part 1, Lesson 4 (1:08), but in Python and not Excel. You can find details of the original lecture in @PoonamV’s lecture notes, about 2/3rds of the way down the page:
I’d like to understand how this works on a more basic level so I’m trying to translate to Py.
Code is largely stolen from this course-v3/nbs/dl1/lesson2-sgd.ipynb at master · fastai/course-v3 · GitHub
from fastai.basics import tensor, nn
import torch, numpy
def hypothesis(vertLatents,horiLatents):
return numpy.dot(vertLatents,horiLatents)
def mse(y_hat,y):
return ((y_hat-y)**2).mean()
def update():
y_hat = tensor(hypothesis(vertLatents,horiLatents))
y_hat.requires_grad = True
loss = mse(y_hat,blockData)
if t%10 == 0: print(t,'-------------',loss)
with torch.no_grad():
a.sub_(lr * a.grad())
vecLatents = 10
shape = (20,14)
blockData = tensor(numpy.random.random_sample(shape))
horiLatents = numpy.random.random_sample((vecLatents,shape[1]))
vertLatents = numpy.random.random_sample((shape[0],vecLatents))
a = nn.Parameter(tensor(hypothesis(vertLatents,horiLatents)))
lr = 1e-1
for t in range(100):
This code fails. I think because I’m not calculating the gradient of a
. I can see this when I print out a
– it doesn’t print the grad
, even though I can print out a.requires_grad
and that evaluates to True
. The error is here:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./TestOptimize.py”, line 40, in
File “./TestOptimize.py”, line 24, in update
a.sub_(lr * a.grad())
TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not callable
Any ideas of what I’m doing wrong?
NB: I am on lesson 5, halfway through, so if this is spelled out in a subsequent lesson I’d be happy to be pointed that way.