About the Part 2 (2019) category

I would love to do that one day - but no plans at present.


So Fabulous! Thank you very much and so looking forward to part 2 :smiley: The Fast.ai community and sense of community is really fantastic, so great to be a part of this :wink:

Really Grateful to Jeremy for the invitation and excited to learn all the great stuffs with all the awesome folks here…!!!


Thanks Jeremy, looking forward to it!

Thank you Jeremy! So looking forward to part 2!! :grinning:

So happy for the invite! Looking forward to being a part of the Tsunami of good things that you have started! - Dana

Thanks! Really stoked!

Very happy to have this opportunity. A great way to be rewarded for sharing some code and ideas in Part 1! Thanks!

Thank you very much for this opportunity. I’m honored to be part of this group. Last year’s Part 2 was very exciting and difficult, since then I’ve caught up somewhat, but still have much to learn, so I’m very excited for this opportunity.
Thanks Again

Thanks jeremy. This is a nice surprise.

Thanks for the invite. I enjoy this course for the cool tips and tricks that are hard to find elsewhere. I learn something new every time. :smiley:

Thanks for the invite, this is such a nice surprise.

I also feel a bit guilty regarding contributions, as I slowed down on checking/contributing to the forums towards the end of Part 1. With so much discussions going on, it felt quite tiresome to catch up. Eventually, I think I just stopped visiting the forums as often, sort of similar to social media fatigue.

And then, I wonder how the fast.ai team manages to co-ordinate/check-in on all the discussions going on. Almost feels like a couple of hours job on a daily basis. Lots of respect for the people checking in and providing useful feedback here, which is what makes the forums useful.

So, thanks again fast.ai team and everybody else here making these forums a fun place to learn. :hugs:

Looking forward to Part 2 goodness. Let’s do this. :muscle:


Thank you absolutely a pleasure to be a part of part 2 :slight_smile:

The good surprise of the day :slight_smile: Thanks @jeremy and @rachel.

By the way, is it possible to view a map with all students of part 2 and/or an Excel sheet with the list?

This could help to create regional study groups (ie, not at a city level but at a regional one) and/or project groups (ie, participants that would like to apply fastai part 2 techniques on a particular field like health for example).


This brightened my day for sure. Grateful to be a part of this group.

It’s an honor to be part of this community. Thank you Jeremy for the opportunity.

It is said that if you put a hat on a man (or woman), they will do what it takes to fit that hat. In my case, I am much more knowledgeable about hardware than deep learning, and am stunned (but immensely grateful) at this Part 2 “hat” that I’ve received. I take this opportunity very seriously, and will be ready to jump in when the course starts. Thanks and looking forward to “learning deeply” (boo) with all of you.

Edit: unfortunately I am going to be too tied up in the upcoming weeks, so I will be unable to participate after all. Will politely leave the group and look forward to the public videos when they arrive in June or thereabouts. Best wishes to all!

Awesome! Thank you!

Thanks for the invetation, Jeremy. Wish all the best to community))