About the Part 2 (2019) category

Welcome to part 2 (2019)! Please ensure that you’ve completed part 1 (2019) before the first lesson. If you haven’t looked at the course for a while, I’d strongly suggest reviewing the lessons, since we’ll be diving deep right from the first day of the course!


what a timely treat! :heart_eyes:



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Thanks! It’s really appreciated :slight_smile:

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Super excited about the coming fastai.audio, hopefully we will see it in part2.

I love this community… I love our teacher… His life and work is so inspiring and motivating… I am blessed to be part of this course…

Thanks Jeremy for everything!!


Thanks, Jeremy!

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Thanks a lot jeremy

Thanks for the invitation Jeremy!

Thank you Jeremy!

fastai is such a great contribution to AI. And Jeremy is above all such an amazing cheerleader and evangelist to make AI accessible to everybody - and who manages to encourage such high quality contributions from people.

I’m really looking forward to Part 2!


Thank you Jeremy. I appreciate the opportunity to continue on this deep learning journey with you, Rachel, Sebastian and all of my classmates! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the coming months!

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My sincerest thanks for the invite. It truly is what I needed right now.

What a great news! I’m so happy that I qualified!

Thanks very much for the invite Jeremy. I was already excited for part 2, but now I’m even more fired up.
Can’t wait & thanks again. It’s really nice being part of a fun and AI passionate community like this.

Jeremy, very generous of you! Thank you!

@init_27 Great Kaggle kernels(on transforms)!

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Thank you Jeremy for the invite, I’m very excited to continue learning!

let’s make the fastai community proud with @part2_v3

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Thanks Jeremy.
I have been doing the new edition of Part 1 and this is exactly what I needed now. :grin:
I need to come up with a study strategy to make the best out of the Part 2, unlike last time.

Thank you very much for the invitation. I was just getting back into deep learning after a brief hiatus!

I am so very grateful! Thank you.

Thank you so much. Your courses have changed my life.