Welcome to forums.fast.ai

How do you do it? Lol

Honestly how, did you figure it out?

Hello to everybody and nice to meet you! I am new here :grinning: Iā€™m trying to figure it out with all of this so this links are helpful. Thank you :grin:


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may I know how to post a question in the forum? I didnā€™t see any button for me to post my own problem but only reply others.

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You need to write a comment. About an hour after that, the forum will promote you to basic level and youā€™ll see the new topic button on the main page.

ā€œA commentā€ :slight_smile:

For Text Classification using ULMfit approach, can we train our language model on different dataset and classifier model on different dataset.


Hi people,
Has anyone latest managed to run this course notebook on colab ?

I am having trouble running the first example from the first chapter:

first video Lesson 1 - Deep Learning for Coders (2020) - YouTube

at minute 42:20, opened the colab link from chapter 01 from the docs, ran the is_cat code, got this error:

ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)

in ()
2 #caption Results from the first training
----> 4 from fastai.vision.all import *
5 path = untar_data(URLs.PETS)/ā€˜imagesā€™

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/fastai/vision/all.py in ()
1 from . import models
2 from ā€¦basics import *
----> 3 from ā€¦callback.all import *
4 from .augment import *
5 from .core import *

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ā€˜fastai.callback.allā€™; ā€˜fastai.callbackā€™ is not a package

So i assumed there should be a !pip command, so i found it at the head of the notebook as the first part of code. Ran that and got another error:

ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)

in ()
1 #hide
2 get_ipython().system(ā€˜pip install -Uqq fastbookā€™)
----> 3 import fastbook
4 fastbook.setup_book()

1 frames

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/fastai/vision/all.py in ()
1 from . import models
2 from ā€¦basics import *
----> 3 from ā€¦callback.all import *
4 from .augment import *
5 from .core import *

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ā€˜fastai.callback.allā€™; ā€˜fastai.callbackā€™ is not a package

This looks like a great course but unfortunately this discourages the continuationā€¦
Anyone manage to solve this ?


Can I make a post? I have a question but it seems that privilege is limited to new usersā€¦ it sort of defeats the purpose for joining a forumā€¦

yeah i need to make an important question. u know how it works? there isnt any button or thing that says: post thread

I am a newbie. Fast.ai provides rich resources for me to learn, thanks :slight_smile:

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Its been a pleasure of being a part of deep learningā€¦I am Thomas currently studying in academics and I loved this website from where I have dramatically improved my academics performance writing my paper.

Donā€™t be mad now. Iā€™m also new to this but this comment of yours actually helped me knowing what to do. :slight_smile:

I agree. Because I was continuously searching for new post button. After a long time I came to know this fact through this post.

Hi everyone! I am new to fastai and I am using the R package. I have learnt my firsts CNN and saved Callbacks under *.pth files. However, I donā€™t know how to load back the saved model (all the help I found was in Python).

Moreover, the function Learner.export() to save the entire model as a *.pkl file doesnā€™t exist in R.

Any suggestion for those 2 problems?

Hello! How long does it take before Iā€™m granted a permission to create a new topic?

@Edit: In case of anybody wonders, it seems like one comment is enough to get those permissions.

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Thanks for the tip about creating a new post.

what is the best algorithm of face recognition?