Weekly Online zoom discussion session to discuss the weeks Lesson UTC+10 Aus/NZ

It was nice talking to you all . I will be working on lecture 1, implement the code as is and use the saved model for serving. Will post once I make some progress :slight_smile:

@avinash3593 Mate Labs are the guys in Bangalore who are doing some cool A.I./M.L. stuff: https://www.matelabs.ai/

The founders are friends of mine. If you ever bump into them, they are smart guys who are full of useful information. Also, say Hi for me. :slight_smile:

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Also, to everyone who participated in that call:

  • Flask (a Python framework) is my recommendation for a very simple, easy-to-use Python web-framework and webserver

  • Here is a link to the Python source for def resnet34(pretrained=False, …):

    def resnet34(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
        """Constructs a ResNet-34 model.
            pretrained (bool): If True, returns a model pre-trained on ImageNet
        model = ResNet(BasicBlock, [3, 4, 6, 3], **kwargs)
        if pretrained:
        return model

We can see that there is an optional parameter: pretrained=False


Thanks for sharing James. Would love tot meet them soon :smiley: Will use your reference :wink:

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Adding to the list and resources discussed in yesterdays call for anyone in Melbourne, few meet ups and learning groups I find useful to interact with the local community are
1)ML/AI meet up (Monthly)
2)AI saturday(Weekly-More of a study group than a meet up/networking,I organize it :slight_smile:

Others from respective cities can add I guess to this so that we have a ready reference of other local ML/AI groups.


One of the students, Petr, has taken an initiative to offer extra GCP credits of $500. Here is the link if you didn’t know this already:


Wow! Thanks for letting us know.
That said, i checked my GCP billing page and i have $420 credit!!! Here i am paying for paperspace like an idiot!

I have $300 only!! Haha. Petr’s gesture is very good. So far more than 100 people got the response from GCP.
I tried GCP few months ago and I was asked to make some prepayment if I need GPU access. That’s not the case now. I followed GCP starter guide and it just took a few minutes to have a VM instance with GPU running.

Apologies, I won’t be able to attend tonight’s zoom meeting - I have to work. Hope to catch up with you guys next week.

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What time is the call? I have lost the calendar invite.

@maral It’s now!

@jboy f you have the invite can you forward to pmarelas@gmail.com :slight_smile:

you can join us at zoom meeting id-Meeting ID: 621 723 470

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Had a meeting to attend. Are you done with the call?

In the middle of moving house so won’t be able to make this week’s discussion session. Not much to note other than the yay moment for mention of the Hummingbird classifier. All source code is on my github, I made some improvements to the UI so it renders back a nice Progress Bar and only displays classifications where the confidence is greater than 10%


Hey y’all (I’m trying something here),

Sorry I couldn’t make it tonight, mostly trying to make up for lost time (thanks GCP) before tomorrows lesson.

If i missed anything cool please add it to the links post from last week.



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Lesson 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F90C0A6UmVI

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Hi folks, has anyone figured out how to create a sample of data from folder using datablock_api?

Lesson 4 part 2 (after the streaming interruption): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK1XhPM3K0g

Evening everyone.Any one joining the call?I am on it