Unofficial Setup thread (Local, AWS)

Please note that the Official instructions are now on
Those instructions are by far the simplest and most up to date. The instructions below are older and may no longer work. In particular the references to torchvision-nightly below will not work. The github official instructions on github handle the install of fastai, pytorch and cuda. I am leaving the rest of this post here for reference but you most likely will not need it for local install on your own linux box with GPU if you follow the referenced instructions on github.

I’ve created this topic as a setup guide and to help you find the FAQ(s).

The setup and common Cloud options are mentioned first, followed by the FAQ. Please scroll down to find them.

Note: This is a wiki thread, which means you can edit it if you feel any corrections or additions are required. Just click on the edit button below.

Asking for help with installation/errors

Most of the problems should be solved by

conda update -c fastai fastai
conda update -c fastai torchvision-nightly

Remember to run these steps everytime you start working with the library.

Please feel free to ask in this topic, if you face any problems while setting up.
When you do, please share an image/error log and details of your setup: Conda/pip/version so that we can help debug the problem.

I’ll try to share an AMI image if many fellows are interested in taking up AWS to run the course tutorials.


Note: This assumes you have a NVIDIA GPU installed on your PC or server.

It’s recommended that you use Ubuntu to run everything. Best is to use AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, or Paperspace. Note: Windows support isn’t extensive and for some libraries other than PyTorch, it might be problematic. MacOS support is even worse.

If you have an NVIDIA GPU and want to run on your own computer (only recommended for experts), you can install Linux with this guide: Installing Ubuntu 18.04 stepwise guide

Once you have access to Linux, follow these steps:

Stepwise guide for driver installation

  1. Update and Upgrade
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
  1. Install NVIDIA Drivers
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-396

Note: 390 is Ubuntu default, but 396 is recommended and mandatory for RTX support.
Note: On 18.04, you do not need to update the repositories. After you add a PPA, this is done automatically.
Note: If you get dependency errors upgrading your driver, run ‘sudo apt-get purge nvidia*’ and try again.

Verify that you have drivers installed by running:

sudo modprobe nvidia

If you get an output, you’ve installed the drivers successfully. Otherwise, if you get this message Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch, try rebooting then run nvidia-smi again.

  1. Install Conda
curl | bash
conda update conda

This will automatically fetch the latest conda and install it. Keep pressing enter and check if you face any errors.

FastAI Installation

Follow the steps in the readme:

Create fastai conda environment and activate it:

conda create -n fastai
conda activate fastai

Install PyTorch preview:

Note: PyTorch installation takes care of CUDA installation, so you don’t have to install it separately anymore.

conda install -c pytorch pytorch-nightly cuda92

Verify by firing up a terminal and typing:

python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

If you get an output stating, you’ve installed PyTorch without any issues. Otherwise, check the instructions here.

  • To verify if you’ve installed GPU drivers properly:
python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.device_count());"

You should see more than 0 in the output of this command.


conda install -c fastai torchvision-nightly
conda install -c fastai fastai


python -c "import fastai; print(fastai.__version__)"
python -c "import fastai; fastai.show_install(0)"

If you get an output from the first of these like 1.0.x, you’re good to go. The 2nd statement above will do a thorough check.

Common issues

  • Yes, you have to install the preview version of PyTorch, FastAI’s cutting-edge version relies on PyTorch’s cutting edge-preview version. Don’t worry about the version being a ‘preview’.
  • If you want to use jupyterlab, you have to install the most up to date version otherwise you will get fastai import error:
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

AWS Usage

I recommend using AWS, it’s easy to scale up your GPU settings or rent a lower/higher one as per your needs.

NOTE: THIS IS A PAID OPTION, but I recommend this as many of the previous fellows are highly familiar with this option and will be able to help you out easily.

  1. Launch instance from your homescreen.

  1. From Community AMI, search Deep Learning. Pick this option:

  1. Pick a GPU Option, preferrably p2.x or p3.x:

  1. Hit Launch.

  1. Create a new keyfile and download it.

NOTE: You may get a message saying that the launch failed because you requested more than your instance limit. This is expected if you haven’t requested a GPU compute instance before. You can request a limit increase here, select EC2 for limit type, and your instance type of choice. Here’s what that looks like:

  1. Once the instance is up and running, connect to it using the dashboard, follow the instructions on there with one slight addition:

In the SSH command, add:

ssh username@host -L 8888:localhost:8888

This will allow you to “tunnel” (port-forwarding) the Jupyter Notebook.

  1. Once you’ve accepted the key pairs and logged in,

activate your pre-created Conda environment and install the preview version of PyTorch and then fastai package.

conda activate python3
conda install -c pytorch pytorch-nightly cuda92
conda install -c fastai torchvision-nightly
conda install -c fastai fastai

Launch Jupyter Notebook by:

$jupyter notebook

Navigate to you localhost:8888 in your browser and you should be able to use Jupyter notebooks.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Usage


There are several methods of provision a VM quickly and effortlessly, with everything you need to get your project started on Google Cloud.

  1. Complete setup with the Cloud Shell
    This setup provides you with following features:

    • create a node with the Tesla v100 GPU for just $0.8/hour
    • create a node with the Tesla K80 GPU for just $0.2/hour
    • create a node with No GPU for just $0.01/hour
    • switch between these nodes whenever needed
    • install new tools and save data (won’t get deleted when switching)
    • run notebooks by just starting the server (no SSH needed)
    • create a password protected jupyter notebooks environment

    Refer the guide:

  2. [Difficulty: easy] Ultimate guide to setting up a Google Cloud machine for course (part 1 version 3) by @howkhang. Note: this guide has been updated for the upcoming part 1 version 3 course, which uses the latest fastai 1.0 library. Guide validated by @cedric. WARNING: Use Base (CUDA 9.2) only! The PyTorch + image has multiple unreasonable settings that make it virtually unusable.

  3. [Difficulty: hard] Reduce GPU costs by launching a Preemptible VM for PyTorch 1.0.x-dev + fastai 1.0.x using Google Deep Learning image via command line (CLI).
    If you do not have yet, install gcloud CLI. Now, if you need GPU instance use the following example of the command. We are creating an instance using:

    • n1-standard-4, which has 4 vCPUs and 12 GB of RAM. You might want a cheaper instance, or more powerful. All available instance types can be found here.
    • 100 GB persistent SSD
    • the accelerator flag in the command controls the GPU type and the amount of GPUs that will be attached to the instance: e.g — accelerator='type=nvidia-tesla-k80,count=1'
    export IMAGE_FAMILY="pytorch-1-0-cu92-experimental"
    export ZONE="asia-east1-a" # put your GCP zone of the instances to create
    export INSTANCE_NAME="pytorch-and-fastai-box"
    export INSTANCE_TYPE="n1-standard-4" # specifies the machine type used for the instances.
    gcloud compute instances create $INSTANCE_NAME \
          --preemptible \
          --zone=$ZONE \
          --image-family=$IMAGE_FAMILY \
          --machine-type=$INSTANCE_TYPE \
          --boot-disk-size=100GB \
          --boot-disk-type "pd-ssd" \
          --image-project=deeplearning-platform-release \
          --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE \
          --accelerator="type=nvidia-tesla-k80,count=1" \
          --metadata="install-nvidia-driver=True" \

    gcloud compute instances create command reference.

    Connecting to the VM via SSH. This method uses the command line and Google Cloud SDK (gcloud). Run:

    gcloud compute ssh jupyter@$INSTANCE_NAME -- -L 8080:localhost:8080

    Note: use the jupyter user in GCP instead of your own default user. Only under that account things are set up correctly. GCP does not give write permission to normal users.

  4. GCP Preemptible VM $0.2/Hour with 4 CPU + K80
    (you need to add --preemptible as a parameter on the previous command)

Azure Data Science Virtual Machine

Beneficial for people who already have a MSDN subscription.

Google Colab Usage

Fastai Installation

!pip install torch_nightly -f
!pip install fastai
!pip install pillow==4.1.1   # Currently there is an AttributeError in the latest 5.x package

Import Modules

%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

from fastai import *
from import *

torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

Everything is set, now you can run any model if you are not able to affordable AWS, GCP!

Cloud Recommendations:

  • AWS provides a student credit of 150$
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides a sign up credit of 300$


Do you need a GPU?

Answer: Yes, you need a NVIDIA GPU to run PyTorch models—the framework on which fastai is based. Training on a CPU is slow and quite often not feasible.

What GPU/NVIDIA GPU is preferred?

Answer: A NVIDIA GPU that can run CUDA. Generally, GTX 900x or better is a good/okay hardware.

GPU Alternatives

If you don’t have a GPU, you don’t have to go out and buy one right away. You can “rent” a cloud instance.

Various Cloud providers that support fastai out of the box:

Where is the repo?

Where are the lesson links?

  • In general, the live lesson links are shared by Jeremy just before the lecture starts in USF, don’t panic if you don’t receive an e-mail. Keep refreshing the forums.

How do I find people in my Timezone or discuss about meetups?

Check Jeremy’s thread
Please use these categories to meet people in your time zone.

What is’s business model?

The founders spend their personal money to do stuff that helps people use deep learning. That’s it. It’s totally independent and the founders don’t even take grant money. Link to Jeremy’s tweet

How do I update and pytorch to the current version?

conda update -c fastai fastai
conda update -c fastai torchvision-nightly

How to connect to notebook with password instead of token?

jupyter notebook --generate-config
jupyter notebook password

Please, feel free to ask me for help in this thread.


Request: Admins, please wiki-fy the topic so that others can correct/add to it.

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Now that is called a crisp instructions.

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Great set of instructions, thanks :slight_smile:

I think, it might be a good idea to change this to sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390, since 390 is LTS version, while 396 is edge-stable(I already had some problems with it a couple of times). You’ll lack the support of newest RTX cards, so in this case, 396 is the only choice.


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Thanks. I removed the cudnn and cuda setup sections since they’re not required, and changed the install to the recommended conda approach. Also added GCP link.

  • setting PATH for conda is no longer correct for recent conda clients, please see:

    probably need to add conda update conda to make sure the latest conda client is used.

  • are you sure ‘nvidia-smi’ will work upon install of the drivers, before reboot is done? in any case it’s probably the best to do the test after reboot, since you will be testing the live drivers that were installed and loaded into kernel.

  • and to verify we have the new python -c 'import fastai; fastai.show_install(0)' perhaps it can be run at the end to show the full picture to the user.

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I added

sudo modprobe nvidia

which I think should work - although sometimes reboot is needed.

(PS: you can edit the post directly since it’s a wiki)

I don’t have a box to make such experiments on, so I won’t want to state something I haven’t validated to be so, that’s why I can only suggest to validate something.

but otherwise yes, thank you for making it editable - I’ll tweak other things from what I do know for certain :wink:

People should use drivers 396 to ensure they have the latest updates for latest CUDA support.

That’s what I thought the reason is at first, but at the same time the instruction setups cuda9.2, which isn’t the latest, it’s just the most recent stable one.
Also, since the instruction also uses Ubuntu LTS version, I thought it’s only natural to use LTS version of drivers as well.
At the same time, I had some problems in the past with 396 version, so that just added to my overall conclusion to use 390 in all of my setups(I did like 3 in past 10 days) :slight_smile:

We’re using 396 at so probably easier for us if we suggest the same that we’re on. Thanks for your feedback about your experience however - good to know.

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Thank you @jeremy, @stas

I wasn’t aware of the conda-cuda support. Looks like many lives​ will be saved from breaking their env.

Can we use Google Compute Engine? If so, would anyone be able to share a similar setup guideline?

@vamsiuppala Please check here.

Oh thanks. It was mentioned in the FAQ. I jumped the quick a bit.

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For someone who is going to use a dedicated deep learning machine, there is an interesting software solution provided by Lambda Labs. These guys build hardware for intensive computations and provide an Ubuntu package to install TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Caffe, etc., and all required drives.

I’ve installed this thing on one of my secondary drives, and at first glance, it seems to work. After installation, you have a global Python v3 interpreter with all dependencies and GPU support.

However, their stack doesn’t support conda and probably is not really suitable if you already have something else installed, or if you’ve installed your drivers manually. (Though I only tried to install the stack from scratch).

PS: I am not affiliated to the Lambda Labs company in any way.

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Can we use Windows for this course?

This is discussed in the top post. Please be careful to read thoroughly the existing material before asking a question, since answering questions takes time from preparing and running the course. Also, please read the readme for fastai v1.

In summary: no you can’t use Windows for running on your own machine. You can use it to connect to a Linux server. We will show you how in the course.