there are some of us that registered using ip originating from Poland* and i am sure there are more that registered from other parts of the world and will be interested too!
the goal of the study group is to meet fellow fastai and deep learning practitioners and learn more together. we will use the following:
dedicated forum thread (the one you are reading ),
weekly virtual meetup on Thursdays at 8pm Central European Time. join us using this link
Jako że w naszej strefie czasowej transmisje wypadają o jakiejś nieludzkiej porze pytanie: czy ktoś ma opatentowane nagrywanie streamu tak aby go spokojnie obejrzeć nazajutrz?
Recordings of the lectures will be available immediately after the lesson ends - although we would ask that you really try to join live if at all possible, otherwise you won’t be able to interact during the class.
Hi All,
I am also based in Krakow and was part of v1 and v2 last year.
Will be happy to join the study group but unfortunately I do not speak polish. So do not want to be a hindrance to others
I want to deepen my understanding DL and practice coding with this new version of course.
Hey all,
It would be nice to have Polish group here Cheers from Poznan (more or less).
Great idea with online meetings time to time as it might be difficult to form stationary study groups in our cities. @miwojc in weekends later hours (19-20 or even later) would work better for me.
Guys how about a private group in as Jeremy suggested so that w can talk in Polish? I will create one and invite you. if i forget about someone let me know.