Now that Part 2 has been freed to the world, who wants to set up a study group?
What I’m thinking of is:
Structure: video call every week, plus discord chat between sessions. Time: weekday afternoon in Europe (so evening in Asia, early morning in America) Content: semi-structured discussion of the videos, which we’ll have watched individually outside of class. e.g. taking it in turns to each explain one cell of the notebook.
All this can be changed, of course, depending who wants to join. I’m also open to in-person study partners in Berlin, but I suspect we don’t have the numbers for an offline study group here.
I’ve messaged one of the fastai Discord admins to create a channel for the study group. In the meantime, I’ve created a group chat on this forum where we can coordinate things and chat for the time being. You should be in the group I think.