So, the 2020 version of the course won't be available untill few weeks?

In this post, @jeremy says-

And he also says,

So, the new course will not be available for some more weeks?

Can someone please confirm? I can plan better this way. Thanks. :slight_smile:

I’d say don’t hold your breath. Jeremy clearly said you can move on with the v3 version of the course if you want to learn right now.

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I have finished watching lesson-3 and nearly finished all the tasks from lesson-2. I will continue doing the course v3 no matter what.

If I receive some clarification on the timeline, it will help me plan better. That’s all.

So, the new course will not be available for some more weeks?

@rghosh Yes, what I understand from Jeremy’s post is that it will be a several weeks until the new course is available.


I think you should move on with the course if you want to learn it now. Otherwise you can read his book or practice pytorch in the meantime.
Jeremy himself said ’ fastai v2 will be released in the next few weeks’. You don’t really need any more confirmation after him saying so himself.


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I am continuing with course v3 anyway. It’s really edifying.
