I’ve registered a domain name colab.fan to help shortening links to Google Colab.
Now, I add these links of fastbook chapters
- https://colab.fan/fastbook1 opens 01_intro.ipynb
- https://colab.fan/fastbook2 opens 02_production.ipynb
- https://colab.fan/fastbook3 opens 03_ethics.ipynb
- https://colab.fan/fastbook4 opens 04_mnist_basics.ipynb
- https://colab.fan/fastbook opens a UI for you to choose notebooks
Other usage:
- https://colab.fan opens an empty notebook that you can test your code (avoiding Untitled42.ipynb)
- https://colab.fan/FILE_ID (33 chars) open a colab from Google Drive
- From browser URL of github.com/path/to/notebook.ipynb you can replace
to open it in Colab - Otherwise expects https://colab.fan/org/project_name/notebook.ipynb and will map to github automatically e.g. https://colab.fan/fastai/fastbook/01_intro.ipynb
Hope it helps us save a few keystrokes.