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I also deployed the image classifier in the past in GCP but I hardly remember how. Only that I found maaaaany errors that I fixed painfully one by one.
I will review the production sections. I don’t mind paying a small price if it makes things easier… so anyone reading this: recommendations (or better, examples!) are welcome :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot

You might want to have a look at this , in case you haven’t seen before. Might be useful for what you are asking. thanks

Who is the artist?

For lesson 1 assignment, I used kaggle artwork dataset of paintings by 50 artists and tried to classify the artist.

Results summary:

Resnet34 with 4 epochs on top layers gets 33.8% error rate.
4 epochs of fine tuning reduces the error to 21.5%

Resnet50 with 8 epochs on the top layer (no unfreeze) achieves 20% error rate
10 more on all layers (unfreeze) results in 15.5% error rate
Further training would probably continue reducing the error rate but I am not sure whether it is over fitting.

Interesting to see the error analysis

Notebook on github


For some reason, it says i do not have access to this topic :frowning_face:

This is because it was posted in the Part 2 forums. Here is the URL of the the notebook that was linked in that post:

I made a Penguin Classifier, based on the bears example from lesson 2 of the course.

It’s deployed as an AWS Lambda function, with a client-side website using knockout.js.

If you’re interested the code is in my github repository:
server side:
client side:

I downloaded my images using google image search, and I had about 130-170 in each category. I used a resnet34 and the defaults for training (as per the lesson), and found that my error rate was quite a bit higher than the examples in the lessons - the best I got after running a few cycles was 0.08.

So I was wondering why my accuracy is not so good… these are my initial thoughts:

  • There are 17 species of penguins, but quite a few of the species are very similar and even from a human perspective it’s difficult to tell the difference between them.

  • Penguins hang out in colonies and so it is difficult to find photographs of individuals. I wonder if this is a problem since the images used for inference will probably also contain multiple penguins?

  • The distinguishing features for penguins are normally in the head (beak colour, crest etc), and their bodies are pretty similar (white front, black back) so I thought maybe when the images get cropped, parts of the head are missing? I did try changing some of the image transforms (resize_method etc) but I wasn’t able to improve my error rate.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what I could try?


You can give mixed precision training a go. As you go through more lessons, you will get more things to try. I was in your place when I started the course. Later, I often found myself wanting to go back to older projects and try things out. I did that or tried both the things on a new data set because I love exploring data sets as well. Cheers.

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I’ve posted some more articles on medium:

Sound classification using spectograms

Momentum, Adam’s optimizer and more

Dropout and an overview of other regularization techniques

I’ve learnt a lot in this course and I am really excited for the last lecture and the kind of things you can do with U-Net. I would suggest anyone doing this course to stick to it. It is easy to keep switching courses, but is the real deal.

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That looks awesome! I couldn’t find the notebook you used to train your model but it’s usually good to plot_top_losses and plot_confusion_matrix when things aren’t as you expect. You might find that some pictures are mislabeled or the learner is looking in the wrong place or 2 particular types of penguins are similar. You seemed to have cleaned your data well, though. You could try and adjust your transforms: larger images, no warping, and lower contrast, but you’ll just have to try things and see how well it works.

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Thanks! Yes I should probably put my notebook on my github page, I haven’t done that yet.

I have been using the plot_confusion_matrix, and I know that some of the penguin species do look alike, but it is also getting species confused that have quite different features. I am currently trying some experiments with changing the transforms to see what helps.

Thanks, I will definitely try mixed precision training

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I made an environmental sound classifer called WHISP that classifies sounds from 50 categories, trained on the ESC-50 dataset.

You can try it out here!

The code is up here on Github:

I also wrote at length about WHISP, the ESC-50 dataset, training an environmental sound classifier, and some insights i had along the way while testing it in the field on my blog:

Please let me know what you think! I’d love to get connected to other people using ML/AI in the sound/audio field :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @dipam7,
I’ve take a look at you post: It’s not a good idea to use default image data augmentation on spectrograms (especially big rotations and vertical translations):

If you want some suggestion on sound data augmentation on see: Deep Learning with Audio Thread .


Hey, thank you for the feedback :slight_smile: I’ll change that, I knew it but maybe I did not incorporate it while coding it. I was actually having trouble with generating spectograms on Kaggle. If I generated more than 500 output files I couldn’t commit my kernel. Switching to colab now. Yes I’ve referred to the thread as well. Thanks again.

I made a classifier that recognizes images among 3 sports: rugby, wrestling and American Football.

To make the challenge interesting, I purposefully took images in the tackling motion in each of the three sports. Learned couple of things: a) CNNs are awesome. Got 90% prediction success rate within first try. b) errors were due to bad data, meaning when searching for rugby, some images of American football were also picked up by Google Images. So the algorithm correctly identified as football but since it was labeled rugby to begin with, it was counted as incorrect :rofl:

wrote a medium blog post about it… looking to explore another use case using different sets of images.

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I got 74th place, top 2%, using tabular on the LANL quake Kaggle challenge:


I created a trash/recycling classifier and got the validation accuracy up to 94% … it’s not that good on random uploaded data but it’s pretty good. Next steps are to get more labelled data and experiment with augmentation of existing pics with background noise.


For week 4 I wanted to have a go at some NLP. I have a fairly long whatsapp chat history with my wife so I decided to try and build a language model with it…

My notebook is here. It can be used to process and build a model from any whatsapp chat history. I took a very simple approach, just strung all the messages together for each day (~1000 total) and didn’t label by person. Despite the small amount of data (it runs very quickly), the text generated by the model was pretty good!


I recently got a bronze medal in Google’s Landmark Recognition Kaggle Competition. Read all about it here!


thank you for sharing the details. Congrats on your bronze medal. For multi GPU , where you using the distributed model (to_distributed). ?. Can you please share some details on the same. thanks