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Hello everyone,

I was having a very difficult time organizing my butterfly images in Desktop. So, I trained a Fastai butterfly image classifier which reached a high accuracy of 95.2% with Resnet50. After training, I classified the images in the unclassified folder and used a few python file operations to move the correctly classified images to their respective class directories. This small task has saved me immense time in organizing my butterfly images.

I am very happy to share my workflow via Medium article as given below.

Classifying and organizing butterfly images in the desktop using FastAI and Python

Thank you @jeremy and @rachel for making my photo organizing work pretty easy with your fastai library and lucid lectures.

Cool to see someone do the equivalent of “whip up a shell script” but “whip up a deep neural net plus a shell script” to solve a problem like this, nice!

Hi, I tried playing around with the notebook from lesson 1 as Jeremy said in course so I created mine.
I had some struggle but I want some feedback on what was right and what was wrong,… ? and Thank you
Github repo link

Couldn’t resist following up one more time, as I made one other minor tweak to the sound effect classifier model - changing the weight decay to 0.1 - and got the accuracy up to 0.906015! So, there you go - iterate, iterate, iterate…

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I was working on the pet adoption kaggle problem and got some surprising results running a classifier on the image. Wrote a blog post here: eager for any feedback:

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Hi everyone!

I continued working on something I shared above, a combinatorial data augmentation (CDA) technique. Now adapted to the multi-class case, and tested it again on the Fashion MNIST dataset (10 classes). I used its 60,000 image dataset for testing (instead of training), and its 10,000 images dataset for training, since the goal of the technique is to be used precisely when the number of images is low.

As an example, we may want to build a classifier when we have 8 images per class for training, and 2 images per class for validation (a total of 100 images since there are 10 classes). The benchmark is to do transfer learning with resnet34, based on the 80 training images, and save the best model based on error rate on the 20 validation images.

The CDA technique would instead grab the 80 training images, such as:

and generate more than 100,000 collages such as:

These collages are generated by picking 2 random classes, and then 9 random images within the selected 2 classes, and placing the images in a 3x3 array. The label of the collage is the class that appears the most among the 9 images that make up the collage.

The total number of possible collages is 45*16^9>10^{12}, so one can really have a large number of collages if desired, even with only 8 training images per class.

With the generate collages one can do transfer learning on resnet34 (a few epochs, tuning more than just the last layer, until error rate on a validation set with 20% of the collages is low e.g., 1%). And follow this with another transfer learning now with the original 80 training images (just as in the benchmark, but starting from the network trained on the collages rather than on resnet34).

The error rate with CDA on the 60K images used for testing is significantly lower than the benchmark. The following shows these error for different number of images per class on the training set (starting at 8 images per class, as exemplified above).


And their ratios are:


We can also see in the confusion matrices (benchmark vs CDA), how the performance improves with CDA.



Notebooks and readme:


Hello :wave:t3:

After having explored different applications of Deep Learning through Fastai, I wanted to make sure I understood the basics of Deep Learning by building a simple neural network from scratch which could recognize handwritten digits. Though not completely from scratch as there is still so much I could learn about programming :smile:. Therefore, I have used basic Python and some PyTorch.

As someone without a math/CS background, this was also the opportunity for me to get more acquainted with math functions and formulas as I tried to explain in my own words, concepts like Softmax and Cross Entropy functions.

Feedback is appreciated, especially to correct any “math non-sense” :laughing:

Thanks, you guys have a nice weekend !


For rectangular images, check this out:

Classifying Luxury cars.

Hello All,

I have put together a small data set (the data set is not public yet, let me know if you want it to be public) of images of 8 different brands of luxury cars and trained a resnet50 on it. (initially just the FC layer and also trained after unfreezing). The result is very promising. I do not have an idea about human benchmark in this problem but I doubt it can surpass what the model is doing (~ 92% accuracy on the validation set). I have the plan to include layer-wise t-SNE or PCA analysis of the result also (not done yet). I am sharing the notebook here -

Thanks a lot to everyone and of course to @jeremy for such a great course.



I am planning to work on a similar problem. Will be interested to discuss


Yes I understand that ,I have been Working upon Segmentation with 7 channels and have finally managed to include a little bit of fastai(learner )into that.I had to create my own transforms ,create the databunch .I think we can have networks that automatically adjust the first Layer based on the input shape.I do agree that it is not the problem of library but libraries should be robust to deal with this.And we can just replace the initial Conv Layer to accept from 3 to num_channels while keeping the rest of the layers Constant

Hi, I have worked on classifying books into categories of technical and non-technical (novels, self-help books etc) on the basis of the book cover.

For that, I have trained a Resnet-34 pre-trained model and got an accuracy of 85%.


The following is the confusion matrix I got


Where the model go wrong?

my github repo (Book Classifier)

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I modified the “SuperRes” example from lesson 7 to use an picture -> pencil sketch image crappifier.
The concept is to create a model that can turn a pencil sketch into a real photo
So something like this would become an actual cat image:

The crappifier used is this small code snippet that does this kind of image -> pencil.

images from the training data got restructured quite well into animal pictures:

however, for random sketches from Google (which I guess carry less detail than the training data after the filter), it looks more like colorized drawings (but still really cool and happy with the result).

See below, “Pencil Sketches” from Google, with colorized “photo-realistic” outputs"

Happy to hear your thoughts and ideas :slight_smile:


This is really spectacular… Appreciate the sharing.


Thank you! There are a few caveats of course:

  1. This is only one the Fashion-MNIST dataset, I still have to test it in others to see if the improvements remain.
  2. I am doing both benchmark and CDA with default hyper-parameters (e.g., learning rate). It may be that when those learning processes are optimized, the gap between Benchmark and CDA is reduced. My hope is that both would methods would improve, so CDA would still give an advantage.
  3. CDA has behind it obviously more training (more weight updates via gradient descent). But it is not clear than just doing the benchmark for more epochs it could improve (I give it 200 epochs, while CDA has 100 epochs). It seems that the Benchmark with default parameters finds the best model within the first 100 epochs.

Hey thanks a lot @jeremy and Rachel for this course!

I just finished 2 lessons and already have two classifiers working!

My first project was - Was that a Wolf or a Coyote?. This was inspired by me getting a bit excited that I saw a Gray Wolf up close. I showed the picture to my friends and they said its a coyote and not a wolf! Not 100% convinced by their statements (and wikipedia information) I was still in a happy bubble that I saw a wolf in the wild.

After going through the two lessons, thought I’d put the pictures to a real test. And turns out that it was a coyote! :confused:

I was able to train the model accuracy until 96% but couldn’t improve it further. I would be happy to get inputs from you all if that is possible :slight_smile:

Heres the code for the jupyter notebook


Very nice results - and clever crappification :slight_smile: You may need a bit more gram loss to get better colors, BTW.

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This is the start of a web app for my sister to help her search the internet.

Backstory, she has autism and two things that impact her significantly are: she pronounces words/syllables significantly different than everyone else and she can’t spell.

She loves going online and looking clothes, worksheets, etc. At the moment, this requires someone else to tell her what letters to type/fix the letters she typed, or get to the website for her.

So far I’ve recorded 10 samples of her saying 9 different stores (Macy’s, Walmart, …), converted the recordings to spectrograms, used all the normal transforms except flipping horizontally, used a pretrained resnet18, and it’s 100% accurate (with just 10 samples per class)! To be continued soon/after part 2.


I made a blog post/tutorial on some of the simple ways to add layers to the middle of a pre-trained network without invalidating the trained weights for the later layers. It’s in Tensorflow 2.0 as I wanted to play a little with their new API, and includes a working Collab.

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Hi all,

After reading about Progressive Resizing as well as Mixed Precision here in the forums, I tried these techniques out on an image classification problem for the Plant Village plant diseases data set (other students have shared their projects on the same data set here as well – hi @aayushmnit @Shubhajit :grinning: ).

I was very surprised I was able to get a better than the top result! (99.76 percent)

And to think that this was on Colab, a free DL platform.

Thanks to fastai’s mixed precision capabilities, I was able to train faster in larger batches using progressive sizing for a smaller number of epochs using smaller sized images – @sgugger your mixed precision feature works wonders!!

The following steps were used to create the final model:

Note: all the training was done using Mixed Precision (learn.to_fp16())
except when running an interpretation, in which the model was converted to use 32bit fp (learn.to_fp32()) in order to run classification interpretation steps – for some reason, fastai barfs when classification interpretation is run on a mixed precision model.

  1. Use image size of 112x112, batchsize=256

    1. Stage 1 - Frozen except last layer, train at default LR (1e-3)
      • Best result : 0.982915
      • 5 epochs at 6 mins per epoch, total training time: 29:58
    2. Stage 2 - Unfreeze, train with LR slice 1e-6,5e-4
      • Best result: 0.992821
      • 4 epochs at 6.3 mins per epoch, total training time: 25:22
  2. Use image size of 224x224, batchsize=128

    1. Stage 1 - Frozen except last layer, train at default LR (1e-3)
      • Best result : 0.996092
      • 5 epochs at 11 mins per epoch, total training time: 55:17
    2. Stage 2 - Unfreeze, train with LR slice 1e-6, 2e-5
      • Best result: 0.996819
      • 4 epochs at 14.5 mins per epoch, total training time: 58:34
  3. Use image size of 299x299, batchsize=128

    1. Stage 1 - Frozen except last layer, train at default LR (1e-3)
      • Best result : 0.997546
      • 5 epochs at 24.5 mins per epoch, total training time: 1:43:33
    2. Stage 2 - Unfreeze, train with LR slice 8e-7, 7e-5
      • Best result: 0.998001
      • 4 epochs at 27 mins per epoch, total training time: 1:48:37
Total Epochs : 36
Total Training Time:  6.36 hrs
Model: ResNET50
Max GPU Memory: 11GB

Another notable finding was the GPU memory usage during training:

  • Using a batch size of 256 and image size of 112x112, Mixed Precision used up approx. 3-4 GB GPU Memory.

  • Using a batch size of 128 and image size of 224x224, Mixed Precision used up approx 3-4 GB as well.

  • Lastly, using a batch size of 128 and image size of 299x299, Mixed Precision used around 11GB GPU Memory (triggering warnings in Colab, but otherwise ran to completion)

If you have suggestions on how I can further speed up the training or just improve on it in general, please reply…

Thanks in advance…


Here’s my notebook on github or you can run it on Colab
