Python help

Thanks Jeremy! Here is the function I use to find out how many callables in a module and how many items are included inside module.__all__ if available. But compared with __all__, checking out all the callables isn’t very useful after all.

def countFunc(mo, # module, e.g., `import fastcore.all as fa`, use `fa` here
              dun:bool=False, # print items in __all__
              cal:bool=False # print all callables
    'count how many callables are in the module and how many items included in __all__'
    full = dir(mo)
    all_func = [getattr(mo, i) for i in full]
    count = 0
    for i in all_func:
        if callable(i):
            count = count + 1
    num_all = 0 if hasattr(mo, "__all__") == False else len(mo.__all__)
    print(f"there are {count} callables in {mo.__name__} and {num_all} items in its __all__")
    if hasattr(mo, "__all__") == True and dun: pprint(mo.__all__)
    if cal: pprint(all_func)

Now, I have upgraded this function to be able to tell you everything you may want to know about a module.

def whatinside(mo, # module, e.g., `import fastcore.all as fa`, use `fa` here
               dun:bool=False, # print all items in __all__
               func:bool=False, # print all user defined functions
               clas:bool=False, # print all class objects
               bltin:bool=False, # print all builtin funcs or methods
               lib:bool=False, # print all the modules of the library it belongs to
               cal:bool=False # print all callables
    'Check what inside a module: __all__, functions, classes, builtins, and callables'
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0
    funcs = getmembers(mo, isfunction)
    classes = getmembers(mo, isclass)
    builtins = getmembers(mo, isbuiltin)
    callables = getmembers(mo, callable)
    pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)
    print(f"{mo.__name__} has: \n{dun_all} items in its __all__, and \n{len(funcs)} user defined functions, \n{len(classes)} classes or class objects, \n{len(builtins)} builtin funcs and methods, and\n{len(callables)} callables.\n")  
    if hasattr(mo, "__all__") and dun: pprint(mo.__all__)
    if func: 
        print(f'The user defined functions are:')
        pprint([i[0] for i in funcs])
    if clas: 
        print(f'The class objects are:')
        pprint([i[0] for i in classes])
    if bltin: 
        print(f'The builtin functions or methods are:')
        pprint([i[0] for i in builtins])
    if cal: 
        print(f'The callables are: ')
        pprint([i[0] for i in callables])
    if lib: 
        modules = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([pkgpath])]
        print(f'The library has {len(modules)} modules')


Hi @jeremy

I am exploring the source on _mk_param and use_kwargs_dic of fastcore, and like the idea of forcing Parameter to change kind from POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD to KEYWORD_ONLY. I think this may help to solve a tiny problem of fastcore.meta.delegates I noticed when exploring it.

The problem is presented in the first image below, and the solution learnt from _mk_param and use_kwargs_dict is in the second image.

What do you think of it? Thanks!

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That seems reasonable. Would you like to submit a PR with that change?

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Thanks Jeremy, I will give it try to submit a PR with it.

I tried PR but have a few issues and posted here.

I was curious what was going on here. Just sharing some articles I found useful:


Thanks for the sharing! They seem very helpful. I will look into them later.

At the moment, my nbdev project is broken and I can’t update the site for you to read the experiment I was doing. I will update the link here as soon as I fix it.

Hi Daniel, FYI The APL study nbdev project is also down. Jeremy is aware of this. So, don’t stress.


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Thank you so much Sarada! It’s so nice of you. I was feeling stressed about it.

However, I don’t know whether I am having the same issue though, as I can’t even do nbdev_preview.

Currently, I deleted my base and I am reinstall everything to see whether it solves my problem.

Reinstalling everything doesn’t solve the problem.

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When I am exploring FixSigMeta examples in fastcore.meta, I noticed a difference result:

The official 07_meta.ipynb has the example output as below:

But when I run the code, I got

Is it just my environment producing this different result?

I tried the code above on Kaggle and Try jupyter, and they give me different results too. And the reason for the difference is the python version.

I have pushed a PR, and I realised I need to make a few more changes to make the PR right

  1. I need to change my current python 3.9 to become fastcore’s python>=3.7
  2. remove the table of content of 07_meta.ipynb

Besides nbdev_prepare and nbdev_preview, should I run the 07_meta.ipynb to update all the outputs? When I check the PR for difference, there are many other files have been changed as a result, should I be worried about them?

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How to setup base environment and install fastai with python>=3.7?

The steps I took to setup everything are:
0. remove mambaforge folder

  1. bash Mambaforge-*.sh -b and ~/mambaforge/bin/conda init $SHELL_NAME
  2. mamba install -c fastchan fastai
    Note: up to this point, the python is version 3.9 in base env and 3.7 in ipython, and fastai is not available in ipython
  3. mamba install jupyter
    Note: up to this point, the python is version 3.9 in ipython too, and fastai is available in ipython
  4. mamba install -c fastai nbdev
  5. pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

How do I get my python version to 3.7 for fastai and fastcore developement?

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Python 3.9 is >=3.7, so you don’t need to change that.

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If I don’t need to change the version of python, and the TOC has been removed, then what else should I do about the PR?

I’ve done a code review on it to let you know what’s needed.

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Thank you Jeremy! Your code review is very helpful, and I have shortened the code with your recommendation, and pushed again without rerunning all the cells so that it didn’t generate all the differences in cell outputs.

For total bigginer I recommend this course :
Everything is free and it is more practical than other bigger friendly courses.
I have flashcard for this book and some of python documentation. Feel free to contact me I will share it with you.However I put sometime way more stuff in one card than I should. (I did not obey flashcard rule).


If you ever read the source code of fastcore and have found concepts like metaclass, super, __new__, __call__ intimidating. The following tutorials should give you a good understanding to move on in reading the source, as they did for me.

Tutorials on metaclass

  • a lengthy and comprehensive one
  • a shorter and simpler one

A basic tutorial on static, class, instance, cls and self.

A tutorial on super

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How to print out a block of codes to the right of the line?

Here is the code I use to achieve the incorrectly aligned version. Could anyone help me to get the alignment right? Thanks

blocks = """
if to is None: 
    to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__
    to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f
lst = blocks.split('\n')
for l in lst: 