Platform: Salamander ✅

@ashtonsix Thank you! After creating a brand new server it works great.

@bluesky314 Both untar_data and ImageDataBunch work in my new Salamander server.

Others may be interested in the versions of components, so this is what’s showing for me (I got a 1xK80 server):

python version  : 3.7.0
fastai version  : 1.0.11
torch version   : 1.0.0.dev20181020
nvidia driver   : 396.54
torch cuda ver  : 9.2.148
torch cuda is   : available
torch cudnn ver : 7104
torch cudnn is  : enabled

Please anyone let me know if it’s inappropriate to post these details and I’ll be happy to remove them.

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@ashtonsix Hey ashton ! can we use amazon credits on salamander?

@Kaushikjais Soon! I’m adding a way to add promotional credits to your account & it’ll be available either later today or tomorrow. rn my main focus is service reliability as some users have reported issues with servers getting stuck while starting / stopping


@ashtonsix Thank you ! Hope you will add it soon and yes i too faced this problem while starting and stopping the server on salamander.

Hello @ashtonsix .my notebook is not connecting to the kernel successfully .keeps disconnecting and trying to reconnect. Please advise i urgently need to so some work

@Aya You mean, you’re able to open Jupyter Notebook but once open it can disconnect & you never see any results? If so, that’s an issue with Jupyter Notebook itself rather than Salamander. It can be caused by bad network conditions.

From the Jupyter Notebook team:

Anything already running in the notebook will keep running, and the kernel it started for that will stay running - so it won’t lose your variables. However, any output produced while the notebook isn’t open in a browser tab is lost.

See this thread for more details. For now, the only thing I can think of would be trying a different wifi / network or maybe plugging yourself into ethernet.

Hi @ashtonsix! Thanks for the feedback. I excluded the bas network option because YouTube was running fine .but you are probably Correct since it worked when i moved to another place. Thanks alot !


Inside the notebook I tried :

!pip install fastai --upgrade
!conda install -c fastai fastai

But fastai is still not getting upgraded as its still showing me fastai version 1.0.11 instead of the latest 1.0.18?

Which platform do you think is the best? (cheapest)

You can actually use GCP for free. They give you 300$ worth of credits and that is more than enough for this course!!

I am finding that training times on Salamander are much slower than the training times in the lecture. One epoch that takes 16 seconds in the lecture is taking me 3:55. This is on a U-net (frozen) but I find it true on CNNs as well. Is this expected? Thanks.

@Mark_F in the lectures I often use V100 GPUs which are the fastest available (but also very expensive!) You shouldn’t generally expect to see the same performance on other machines.

SSH keys: I’ve uploaded some public keys via the web interface. I can see they are added to /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys whenever I launch a new instance. Now I’d like to know how I can remove them so they aren’t added automatically on launch?

If your server isn’t working, try opening a terminal and conda install -c pytorch -c fastai pytorch fastai. Then restart it. If that doesn’t work, try conda update --all.

The captcha is really broken, I can’t redeem my aws credits, please take a look.

I made a new account to try Salamander today - worked with no issue after updating server with the conda update.

Came back to do more work later…hit the 500: Internal Server Error many have hit here.
After looping around a bit found this thread, did the conda update --all.

Now I can open my notebook but I never get a working kernel - it just stays in “connecting to kernel” mode meaning no working notebook…I then shutdown the whole server, restarted and still get the exact same issue. It’s this:

Anyway, now I can’t continue my work. Is there a fix for this?

The issue with redeeming AWS credits should now be fixed - thanks all for your patience!

This was due to a problem between the new release of tornado and jupyter notebook. We updated the AMI so it should work properly now,

Thanks, I destroyed the old server since I wasn’t clear what was going wrong and made a new one that worked great today.
btw - the Salamander CPU’s are waaay faster than my previous platform. File uploads/unzips, etc. are about 20x faster which is really nice.

Thanks for the clarification, at least now I know it was a one time deal and not something I’ll hit going forward!

That’s interesting - what was that platform? Was it similar hardware? Price?