Platform: Paperspace (Free; Paid options)

Hi @diathesis, you did nothing wrong. Since, it is free, they only have limited resources. You can try again later. :slight_smile:

Cool ā€“ understandable, just wanted to make sure that was the reason, so if I check later and itā€™s still not available, I know to just keep trying or decide if i prefer to pay, but not still wonder if Iā€™m ā€œdoing it wrongā€. Thanks for letting me know!

I find that my free Paperspace Gradient notebook is not usable. E.g. I have currently been waiting more than 1.5 hours for it to start: Waited 20 mins yesterday. Should I try a paid instance, or move to GCP?

Waiting 20 min for a notebook to be provisioned is not unusual.

But yesterday was unusual.

They were down for most of the day yesterday, this was the first time I have experience that on their site (with my spotty use, and subscription for which I pay $8/mnth).


Iā€™ve been taking the course using a free tier instance on paper space. Now I have problems with running out of memory, and Iā€™d like to upgrade to a GPU. But Iā€™d also like to keep my existing notebook, as Iā€™ve written in answers etc.

Is there a way I can start a notebook with a different machine instance? Or start a new instance and get my files copied over?

Iā€™m trying to finish following the basic steps but Iā€™m having a problem connecting to the terminal. This is what my screen looks like. Anyone know how I can connect to the terminal in Step 3?

If I understood correctly, then you should simply enter the instance via the ā€œOpen V2 (Beta)ā€ option which starts a Jupyter Lab environment where youā€™ll have the terminal to use. I hope this works for you.

Yup - got it to work. Thanks!

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Hello, Iā€™m a new one in here.
I just wonder what I did is correct or not.
I already make a container guided by this page. And the machine is already running.
Is there something Iā€™ve missed before?

I was following the instructions, but wasnā€™t able to get the code running (I tried both free and paid instance).
I can run the notebook, but the UI is different, thereā€™s no top black header from the Gradient service (with Stop and Share buttons on the right) as it is in the guide, I get just pure Jupyter notebook.

After running the notebook, run the update command and git pull. I can run first few cells, but at the cell under Running Your First Notebook, shows this error

PIL.UnidentifiedImageError: cannot identify image file '/storage/data/oxford-iiit-pet/images/american_bulldog_95.jpg'

(thatā€™s just last line of the stacktrace)

EDIT: It looks like the next cells run ok, despite this exception

Is it just me or does it take forever for a notebook on paperspace to open up? I typically have to wait 10 -15 mins when it used to be instantaneous.

I have the exact same problem. Sometimes it takes 30 mins to provision the server. Did you find a workaround? I might just switch to Colab.

See Paperspace start up extremely slow
Basically, make sure to clean your /notebooks folder before shutdown to reduce shutdown/spin-up time

Iā€™ve switched over to JarvisLabs. Fast spin up.

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Unfortunately, non-free - their cheaper GPU is the RTX5000, at $0.49/hr. The moment youā€™re considering a non-free option, itā€™s very hard to beat the AWS spot price of their g4dn.xlarge instances (T4 GPU) - thatā€™s about 66% the speed of an RTX5000 for training, at $0.16/hr, so basically JarvisLabs is twice the cost-per-epoch. Oh, and once youā€™ve configured your AMI, spin-up is instant.

*correction - JarvisLabs offer a 20% discount for FastAI on the RTX5000 (thanks guys!) - so theyā€™re only $0.39/hr. Thatā€™s still 50% more per hour than AWS spot, but considerably cheaper than AWS on-demand.

To be clear: if you want free, do google colab or Paperspace M4000 Free-GPU. If you want to pay money, be very careful on the math by costing epochs-per-dollar. You can find an extensive list of GPUs and their relative training times for all sorts of workloads here: and the cheapest global spot-price of all AWS instance types here:

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In my experience spot instances are definitely difficult to get started with. Salamander did a great job in automating the entire setup on spot instances but later faced a lot of challenges during peak hours. There were times when you lose the instances due to the nature of Spot instances.

Definitely correct - expect to spend a day of your life learning how to set up EC2 spot instances and also EFS for persistent storage between your multiple EC2 instances (the reason youā€™re considering paying anything is because youā€™re needing clusters of GPUs, right?). But given that youā€™re going to be using multiple machines in parallel, that cost difference is going to more than pay for itself.

RE losing spot instances - that used to be a problem until 2018, when the spot pricing mechanism changed. Now just set your willingness to pay as higher than the spot price, and itā€™ll be someone else who loses their machine instead (just setting it at the on-demand price practically guarantees that you donā€™t get kicked off, yet you pay only the spot price as it slowly fluctuates).

Iā€™m just starting setup, and am slightly confused. I used the default notebook (Paperspace + Fast.AI). My root on Jupyter doesnā€™t show coursev4 or fastbook. I have three folders (clean, images, tools) and then the course chapters starting with 01_intro. Did I miss a step?


I just began Chapter 3 Ethics and this is paired with the Deep Learning for Coders with fastai & Pytorch book. Maybe you setup your Notebook for the wrong course?

Having the same problem after I updated my setup and created a new paperspace notebook! There is no more persistent storage (used to be /storage folder). Anyone know what is happening?

This is whatā€™s shown under advanced options in the Paperspace setup. Does that look right?: