I’m trying to understand what is expected to be loaded in the nbd folder per the intro lesson. There’s no images folder (I can make it, but I assume that’s not expected), and running the 5th cell returns “AttributeError: module ‘ipywidgets.widgets’ has no attribute ‘FileUpload’”. Can you advise? First time running jupyter on paperspace so some serious gaps in my experience.
Edit - I also made sure to run “!pip install ipywidgets” in a cell beforehand and that doesn’t influence the output
Did you follow the upgrade and git pull steps?
Are you talking about the first training command in 01_intro.ipynb under Running your first notebook?
Which Machine are you using?
@csw It’s free! You should see a a few different free instance options when creating a notebook. The one labeled Free-P5000 is the most powerful instance
Screenshot highlighting the free instances and the P5000:
Hi. I tried gradient for the first time today and I could run jupyter notebook in less than 2 minutes. Thanks a lot for making it so easy Paperspace team. I have couple of questions.
When I stop notebook instance, does the changes that are made to jupyter notebook gets saved when I open the notebook again ?
Is it possible to change the instance type dynamically while running a notebook?
Can I download all the required repos from fast.ai to storage since the folder remains persistent across all instances and then do pip install -e . for fastai2, fastcore etc?
@Grace1 We launched a new interface that among other things, allows you to view the notebook when it is not running. We recommend the new interface but either option is fine