Platform: Paperspace and Gradient ✅

@NandoBr there’s a tutorial in the top post.

Gradient was working fine last night and this morning but now - even if I start from scratch I am getting “A connection to the notebook server could not be established. The notebook will continue trying to reconnect. Check your network connection or notebook server configuration.”

I wish Paperspace could provide a new fastai public template. I asked them and they told that they will not create it. For the old students, that already have paperspace fastai machines, I believe gradient is not a good option. I´ve heard some complains also.
I could not find a specific set up tutorial for paperspace machine in the top post…

Can you be specific please? We’re recommending it for the course, so if you have some issues with it please tell us!

I’m facing a weird problem while opening the site My CPU usage goes up to 100% (on Task Manager) and often within a few minutes system shuts down due to overheating. I’ve been using paperspace for a long time today only noticed it. Seen while using Chrome or Firefox.

Anyone else have it? or just me.

I have this on also.
I think it’s from raven.min.js script.

How did you find that it is from raven.min.js? Is it mining? This problem is not on my old laptop without gpu. Happening in my NUC with Intel Iris gpu.

That thread is gradient specific but a guy from Paperspace was there during the lecture so might be worth asking in there or DM’ing the paperspace bloke.

Let’s use it for general Paperspace too. I’ve merged the topics.

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Personally - I preferred a machine to a notebook. I can’t SSH into a notebook where I can a machine. I seem to have less control over pulling data in for experimentation in a notebook than I do in a machine. For example - I had figured out how to pull data from Kaggle to my machine using Kaggle’s API but the same process doesn’t seem to work in the Notebook (maybe it just takes some more experimentation to figure out).


Gradient is a different way of doing things. It may be a good option, but I didn´t have time to test it thoroughly. I prefer to spend my limited time practicing the notebooks. I´m used to having my own machine and I spent a lot of time learning it. Six months ago, It was very helpfull for me, to use the Paperspace Fastai public template, that allowed me to start effortlessly.

Hello Dan,

I have the paperspace instance for previous version which I would like to discontinue and use the Gradient with the new fastai and pytorch version. Should I just request for a new machine in Gradient and just shut down the older one or something else.

Would really appreciate some help here.

You can run bash cells in a jupyter notebook, that might help achieve the things you do when ssh’ed into a remote machine

Hi all, if you’re using Paperspace you might enjoy a Chrome extension I made that notifies you each hour that you have an instance running (so you don’t forget to shut it off).

If you choose to use it, let me know if it doesn’t work well for you.

Extension in Chrome Store

Source Code


You can open a terminal in Jupyter. Click New->Terminal.

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Fair enough - but I think you might find now that you’ll be able to focus more on deep learning if you use one of the platforms supported for v3. You’re welcome to use other platforms of course, but there might be more cognitive overhead.

Sure. I´ll use other platforms. Thanks Jeremy!

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I’ve started using Gradient for the class. I’ve created a new notebook while I was starting the class. Once I’m done, I stopped the work. Today, when I resumed to work, I clicked the start and the a new notebook got created. Now I stopped this second notebook after I completed some work. Will this notebook count keep on increasing as and when I start the notebook. It looks like below. I’ve not noticed any difference when the new notebook started. But its a bit inconvenient seeing so many notebooks without any difference. Also it says, my current subscription has a limitation of 10 notebooks. Why are separate notebooks popping up? Is it that my notebook runs on new VM every time I stop and start just keeping the storage persistent as @rachel was mentioning ?


Thanks a lot, will try it out.

@NathanHub The only restriction I can think of is that you can only have a single promo code applied at a time. Do you have another active code?

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