Platform: Paperspace and Gradient ✅

I had a long and fruitful exchange with Paperspace the other day. I was not aware that, when you sign up for Gradient, the machine you select has nothing to do with the notebook. When you create a notebook, you select a machine to run it on – but only for that session that you’re logged in. You can switch it during that session, or when you come back to work at some other time. But every time you come back, you better make sure that it’s the machine you want. They said that it will default to whatever you used last. However, in my case it somehow got bumped up to a machine that was 25x as expensive as I thought. (That may have been my mistake – in any event I was completely unaware of it.) @dillon with your permission I’d like to fork your description to include this critical information. I somehow missed it – I figured that once I select a machine, I’ve configured my machine once and for all. I’m wondering if anyone else is surprised by this.

@quantum That is correct – when you click Start, it will default to the last instance type used:

On the next window, you have the option to toggle the instance type:

If you feel like this isn’t clear, we would be more than happy to update the instructions. In any case, sorry for any confusion – hopefully our Support team took care of you. Feel free to DM me anytime.

Hi @rdeoliveira!

Not sure if I entirely understand what the issue is but I have two suggestions.

  1. Scroll up and see my answer, above, having to do with where to run the conda install command.

  2. There is an ‘upload’ button once you’re running a notebook. You can upload a dataset there… Remember that if you want it to persist across machines (since with Gradient you can change machines at any time) it should go in the /storage directory.


Hello all
Hello @jeremy
I tried to run the lesson3-imdb.ipynb on paperspace and when I used the "path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB); " and these resulted:

i noticed that the ‘train’ folder was conspicuously missing. I tried updating the ‘fastai’ libraries on the terminal several times but it always got the same results. Everything worked fine on colab except that colab was slow in training that was why I transferred to paperspace. Can someone help with this soonest? thanks.


I used paperspace as my GPU at part 1 of the course.

I am willing to start part 2, and when I open a new notebook at paperspace I see only the notebooks of part 1.

how can I use paperspace at part 2?

thank you!

Hi everyone!

This is my first time posting on the forum! I recently joined as the head of developer advocacy at Paperspace and I’m glad to be a part of the community here.

Earlier today we opened up the waitlist for our Free GPUs Plan, which will let you run Jupyter Notebooks on a free, dedicated cloud GPU instance.

Quite a few of your fellow course students— over 6500!— have already used our pay-to-play Notebooks and VMs and we hope this new, free plan will help better support the community’s efforts to develop their deep learning skills.

We’ll be making the free plan available for everyone later summer, and in the meantime, we’d like to invite you to sign up for an invite to the waitlist here: Free Gradient GPU Plan Waitlist

We’d welcome and greatly appreciate your feedback, which we’ll use to build a better product and provide better support.

Thanks, and looking forward to connecting with you all!


Hello, I have been using a fastai P4000 notebook for some time now and I have been facing a rather recurrent problem where I would sometimes open my notebook and find an entire folder missing, sometimes more than one. Anyone else facing this issue?

Yes, the same problem. Temporal solution for this is to run cd course-v3 && git checkout -- folder_that_missing from terminal.

Issue with ImageCleaner and the notebook Content Security Policy?

@ProustIdee I verified this CSP error and we just pushed a fix into production so you should be all set. Let me know if you continue to encounter this. Sorry for the trouble – our CSP policy was a bit too tight.


When working in paperspace for the course I have been saving duplicates of the course notebooks in the same folder as the original ones. They have now disappeared on 2 separate occasions. Is it possible to get these back/prevent the issue from happening again? The downloaded pictures in the “data”-folder are still left which is good. Thanks in advance.

About the terminal.

I just type ‘bash’ at the beginning and you will enter on a bash session with all the usual features.

In other words, the initial shell is not bash (what I think you expect).

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Many of us faced that and other problems.

I keep all that is important under /storage

Before I start my session I run a script that links (soft link) what I have in /storage to the expected places, so everything runs as expected but the real files are always ON /storage (the only place you can trust to keep according with their documentation).

Hope it helps.

ln -s … Is the command

Paperspace :heart: free GPU
Link to setup with info on how to use free GPU backed notebooks:

Does anybody have experience with installing the openface library on paperspace? A simple pip install does not do the job and I was not able to apply the following setup tutorial in paperspace (i.e., I did not understand how to do it):

Any ideas highly appreciated :slight_smile:

did you found out the solution ?

Can you try to add the exclamation mark at the beginning?
! pip install …

Maybe you typed it in an iPython environment instead of the bash environment?

Hey did anyone manage to untar rossmann dataset for lesson 6?
I tried this in the rossman_data_clean.ipynb notebook:

!tar xvzf rossmann.tgz -C data/rossmann

However I get the following error:
tar (child): rossmann.tgz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Even though the file is there


I am having trouble uploading an image dataset in .npz format into my jupyter environment. I am using Paperspace Gradient. I have the dataset in my PC and the upload is failing and the following error message gets saved in the same filename as the one I am trying to upload:


The file gets saved as seen in the image:

I am fairly new to coding. Would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!

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I find Paperspace to be extremely unreliable!
More than once I came back to the platform and found all of’s notebooks gone.
Does anyone experience this as well?!
It keeps only the (sub)folders where I have created my own files, but have deleted all other files.
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