Platform: GCP ✅

Anyone here using GCP behind institute proxy?
Actually I can’t ssh GCP from my local machine because my institute network doesn’t listen on port 22 (default for process in GCP) so is there any way I can setup another port in GCP to listen from my local machine?

I also tried this but didn’ work !!

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Looks like Google Cloud can not handle all the instances created on zone us-west1-b !
I have been getting an error in the past 2 days and I can’t start my instance !

Error : “The zone ‘projects/operating-land-216419/zones/us-west1-b’ does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.”

Today I tried to start my machine like 20 times , all day long…
Also, I did a work that I’d like to publish , but I have no access to my notebook.
Very frustrating!

This link describes how to move the instance to a different zone. In my case, it raised the error that my instance is terminated and should be deleted (No idea why!). So I deleted it and set up a new instance in us-central1-c.
To list all instances and their status you can use this in command-line:
gcloud compute instances list

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That doesn’t seem to be the right link? I found this however: . Here’s the command it shows:

gcloud compute instances move example-instance \
--zone us-central1-a --destination-zone us-central1-f

Sorry, my bad! I fixed it. Thanks.

Hey what do you replace $ZONE with? and I presume you type your instance name instead of $INSTACCE_NAME? Because if your ZONE is not similar to your default ones, it’s not connecting or atleast that was the case for me. Now it connects when ever I use the same default zone.

Yes, try changing your Firewall rules. You should find a firewall rule default-allow-ssh with tcp:22, try changing that to the port that your institute network listens to. Let me know if it works.


After running this in the terminal gcloud compute ssh --zone=ZONE jupyter@INSTANCE_NAME -- -L 8080:localhost:8080

I couldn’t find course-v3 folder. I think i’m doing something wrong, Can anyone please guide me.



Have you tried updating the folder via git?

@legsidestrangle Are you trying to say using git bash terminal?


don’t do this. Please provide solution, other ppl may have the same problem as you.

@sayko I’m sorry. Actually there wasn’t any fix i did, it’s only earlier i couldn’t able to find course-v3 folder may be they were updating something. But now it’s back to normal ( i mean now it’s showing course-v3 and anyone can do git pull) back to normal.


Finally after lots of struggle, lots of tring here and there, today I managed to setup my GCP:sweat_smile:. After installing google cloud sdk on my terminal, I was unable to run gcloud init. I found that gcloud is actually is an executable file so I changed the directory to bin where gcloud executable file is located and ran all the gcloud commands prefixing ./ i.e. ./gcloud init. With this minor modification I followed all the instructions as mentioned in fastai’s gcp guide and it worked. When I returned to work, I faced a problem similar to this post and thanks to @sandeepsign for this post it helped.
P.S : I’m newbie to cloud computing so I just managed to get it done somehow. I don’t really understand what goes under the hood

Just as anecdotal proof: preemptible instances actually do get ‘preempted’ (mine 33% of the time :wink: as this was my 3rd time using it). It takes a while to understand that this time it is not just jupyter acting up but really the instance. You will find this in the logs of the VM:

This is very annoying if it happens after 4 hours of training (without any custom model saving callback inbetween, that’s my next todo… any suggestions?), money and time wasted…

Hi! Did anyone manage to enable jupyter extensions on this setup, collapsible headings in particular?

Hey, I’ve been trying since last night with no luck.

I went to the daily study group in hopes of bringing it up in order to help make the setup process for it easier.

which extensions you trying to use?

When I stop my instance, I get this error in my terminal (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255]
Any idea what it is, if it’s a problem? And what needs to done to avoid that?

@legsidestrangle that just means your ssh connection was closed.
Since you stopped your vm, that is expected. :slight_smile: