Platform: GCP ✅

No, I get this as error after it says connection is close. Hence, the doubt, why does it consider that as an error?

Thanks a lot for doing this. I received my credits today.

Can we use Git bash in Windows instead of Ubuntu WSL ? I have both but just wondering if Git bash can be used.

I am trying to run keras and tensorflow on GCP to test the speed increase compared to CPU but i have errors installing tensorflow-gpu following

In my-fastai-instance, i created and activated virtual env with

  • virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 ./venv
  • source ./venv/bin/activate

Then pip install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu

i get Failed to load the native TensorFlow runtime.
when verifying installation with
python -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)"
It cannot import tensorflow.
This does not happen when i pip install tensorflow without GPU support. (it prints versoin 1.11 properly)

During tensorflow-gpu install i see red words fastai 1.0.11 requires torchvision-nightly, which is not installed. Is this an issue?

On another note, why does conda install tensorflow (without GPU support) fail too with PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/anaconda3/.condatmp’

Could someone advice how i can use GPU enabled tensorflow in my-fastai-instance (default one following lesson instructions)

Hey, this is a permission issue. You need to provide write access to /opt directory to the current user.
sudo chmod u+w -R /opt should resolve this. :slight_smile:

No idea about this error , but why dont you create a new conda environment and install tensorflow there using conda. This would be handy like you just need to click on change kernel.

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Thanks a lot Petr. I got the extra credits today. Really appreciate your gesture. Thanks to GCP too :slight_smile:

Thank you, sir. We all appreciate it.

Idk why, I needed to add another step to those outlined in your blog post. I completed step 3 by pasting the provided code and then typed in http://external-ip:8888, where external-ip was the one listed in the terminal, but it wouldn’t connect.

Eventually, I realized it was as if the Jupyter NB server wasn’t running. So, I SSH’d into the new instance the same way you specified for the setup VM and typed jupyter notebook. It told me it couldn’t find a browser, which is fine b/c when I re-loaded the address with the external ip, I was greeted with the password prompt for the Jupyter notebook.

Between your guide and another $500 worth of free credits, I’m set for a while for virtual machines.

Thanks for your contribution.

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Yes it’ll take a time to start jupyter. I’ll note that.

Thanks for your reply. Can you please explain how to do that in google console, some command or screenshot?

@czechcheck Thank you so much for your generosity and your time, you rock! Just got my credit today, I really appreciate it.
Děkuji :slight_smile:

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@czechcheck Just got the GCP credits, thank you very much and to google for allowing employees to give out perks like this.

I am getting the same error on win 7

I am getting the below error when I try to set up boot disk-
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.compute.instances.create) Could not fetch resource:

  • Quota ‘GPUS_ALL_REGIONS’ exceeded. Limit: 0.0 globally.

Any solution for this error ?
I am on win 7…have downloaded gc sdk


Not sure about this. May be something related to some billing issue.
Hope someone else could help on this.

From a simple google search it seems like some quota issue.
Check this:

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I guess no GPU instances are available globally for GCP. I tried to create an instance via console and it still gives me the same error.

Hmm. That’s weird.

Is there a way to install collapsable heading extensions in GCP ?? I tried the usual way of installing through conda forge, I cant seem to get the extra tab that i usually get.

Ik could not get rid of the error so I did my setup using an Ubuntu machine, which ran the step 1 - 4 commands smoothly, with no error.
I now can use my Google Cloud SDK shell in W7 to connect to the instance. No errors since!