Platform: Crestle ✅

In notebooks/courses/fast-ai/course-v3/nbs/dl1/lesson2-sgd.ipynb whenever I define a tensor like so:
a = tensor(3.,2)
It complains: “TypeError: tensor() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given”
If I change that to:
a = tensor([3.,2])
It works. I feel like this is might be because something isn’t importing correctly (wrong version of Torch?), which might explain downstream errors I’m getting with numpy. Thoughts?

when doing git pull I am getting “Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge.
Aborting” even thought the file is saved and shut

try git reset --hard Also be careful if you use this elsewhere because it deletes all of the changes you’ve made since the previous commit

So if versioning is wrong that is probably because the team needs to push an update still, some things are still streaming in. I’m going to need to go home and rewatch the lecture though before I can weigh in too much though.

We are seeing its working (see attached)

Can you make sure you follow these steps before you start the notebook:

I suspect you have some older version of libs and conda update will likely fix this

That means you haven’t got the latest fastai version.

Yes it says the pricing but which GPU it is?

Nvidia K80

It’s a k-80 gpu by nvidia

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Crestle does not seem to be up - trying to start a notebook just hangs.

It seems to be working for other users, let me check in on the internals of what’s happening on the backend when you try to start an instance.

I was trying to install kaggle-cli in, tried multiple commands found in the forum, none of them worked… (combination of pip/pip3, kaggle/kaggle-cli, with or without --user, and, pip install git+ …)
some returns an error of “Failed building wheel for lxml”, some went through without error but fail to locate the kg or kaggle command …
OSError: Could not find kaggle.json. Make sure it’s located in /home/nbuser/.kaggle. Or use the environment method.
bash: kg: command not found

Hi Roger,

Would you mind pointing me to the forum page you’ve been following so I can try and replicate your experience?

From what you’ve sent this seems like it’s a unix path issue, but I want to be sure before proposing a solution.

Thanks for the quick feedback.
I followed the “official” instruction for the setting up. And did nothing else special.

Oh sorry, I meant for installing kaggle-cli. Is there a forum page you looked at for that, or were you just running those commands you posted up above?

I initially tried to just running pip install kaggle, but after that didn’t work, I search around for quite a few threads…
This one below is the main one I tried to follow.

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Okay I think I’ve figured out the issue. You actually have successfully installed kaggle, but you need the kaggle.json file in your ~/.kaggle directory to authenticate your user.

To get this file go to login, click the portrait in the top right and navigate to My Account. From here scroll down and click the Create New API Token button. This should download a kaggle.json file onto your home computer. Open this file up and copy the text inside.

Now in the jupyter notebook open the terminal and type echo '<COPIED TEXT HERE>' > ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json and you should be ready to roll.

Note that’s an unofficial project. You should use the official one now

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Hi, I downlaoded the json file and opened it, inside it’s something like:

I then tried to do
echo “<COPIED TEXT HERE>” > ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

However, after that I got the error of “Error: Missing username in configuration.”
So I tried the 4 different combinations of whether to include “” and {} as below
echo “username”:“xyz”,“key”:“xyz123” > ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
echo "“username”:“xyz”,“key”:“xyz123"” > ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
echo {“username”:“xyz”,“key”:“xyz123”} > ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
echo “{“username”:“xyz”,“key”:“xyz123”}” > ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

All 4 returned the same missing user name error. No idea what went wrong…

I finally solved it… by replacing " " on the most outside with ’ '.
So the command that worked is
echo ‘{“username”:“xyz”,“key”:“xyz123”}’ > ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

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