To spin up your server, run setup_colab(tok) and pass in your server token.
Navigate to the “Status” page here and your server should show up. If two do, choose the first
You now have a working Native Jupyter Environemnt (so widgets work etc) off of Colab. (it may take a few minutes before it shows up, its dependent on how long the cell takes to run)
MAKE SURE to end the session when you are done by running end_session() so the server does not run forever!
To use the master branch from GitHub, run the following:
Note, if you have already installed and began running fastai code, you will need to restart your runtime
It says I can’t get a GPU (no GPU available, why?):
Colab Pro released and so there is a small chance you may not be able to access a GPU. You should try again a little later to see if one opened up. Pro users do not have to worry about this issue
IMO, the best option could be to simply clone the book into your Google Drive, and then choose “Open from Google Drive” and navigate to the chapters we want to work out of. You can’t open up a cloned book from colab’s environment (like I think we’re hoping we can). As it’s colab you’d need to install each time you open a notebook for fastai2, but that’s a regular now anyways
Just did the steps myself, this was the best solution I figured out. Sadly unless you open the Colab notebook first it looks like the notebook won’t show up in the “Google Drive” section, but once opened you can save your work
Yah I work with HS students and have found it invaluable for that reason and that they could just start working on things (btw, your “walk thru” was really helpful in this regards).
Actually no, I understand now. You should mount your drive in each notebook actually and then %cd to the fastbook repository (I made this without fully running it so I missed a few things, sorry!)