Lesson 3 - Official Topic

Yes definitely, you have to be careful about the background. Hence I say, “it would have to be in the wilderness so that the classifier doesn’t become a wilderness detector!”

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No, Google made their own version of the jupyter notebook and it’s not 100% compatible. Widgets are one of the big things that is not compatible.


Another potential option is using Streamlit where traditional python programs can be converted into interactive web apps. I haven’t tried it but I have heard great things about it.


Is the ImageClassifierCleaner notebook available in the repo to see more on how to build IPython widgets?

It will work anywhere you can host a notebook, normally.


Actually I think if you use the experimental instructions here you can get it to work:

(see here)

So viola runs locally it seems?

It’s in the fastai2 repo.

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Can you host voila it in github?

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Streamlit is also really cool in getting things done fast.

how can we make voila work on the paperspace?
As in, it wont really work by changing the URL of the paperspace hosted notebook.

We will see the deployment in a minute.


Anything about security issues using iPyWidgets / Voila on production ?


I have, and can testify that it’s easy and quick. This article offers a walk through for a simple dashboard hosted using heroku. https://towardsdatascience.com/quickly-build-and-deploy-an-application-with-streamlit-988ca08c7e83


Sure you could, but how many images do you think it would take to capture “not-bearness”? Interesting experiment to try. My bet would be that it would be a deal-breakingly large number…

You will have to set up Colab differently

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This is awesome, I also didn’t know the connection with vue.js and jupyter

Definitely. Streamlit, so far, is pretty solid.

If I am having difficulty running one of the .nbs, should I start a new post or post to an existing thread? I previously could run fastai last year on this machine, but it says now it doesn’t have enough memory on the GPU for 01_intro this year. Basically just firefox and the docker are running. nvidia-smi shows basically nothing else running.

Running in LXD docker natively with GPU passthrough to a GTX 1080 with ubuntu 18 lts host.
