well, my thought is that we are using this to say what the default is so my thought was that if they key had something to do with the value. so let’s say I want to make a lookup table with a list of the squares and I only want to calculate them once and then I want to use the dictionary. So my defaultdict function would be: squares = collections.defaultdict(lambda x:x**2)
. The reason I’m thinking this could be useful is in embedded systems when you don’t have much space, you could still have the speed of a lookup table without having to store the whole table. So when I use this defaultdict, I now want to call squares[5]
which should give me 25, but I don’t know how to pass the key through if that makes sense.
Sounds like you are trying to implement a cache mechanism. I am not familiar with what kind of approaches people use in Python though
No problem. I don’t think it’s important for this anyways.
Hiromi- thanks for putting this together!!!
Sure It’s just some scribble I did a while ago.
There is a LRU cache decorator in the standard library.
Dovetailing with @daveluo 's awesome whiteboarding of SSD_MultiHead
(thank you for that!) - I also found it really helpful to spend time diagramming / visualizing the forward line-by-line. Attaching screenshot here in case helpful for anyone else…
Hey Guys,
For those who want a quick recap on Cross-Entropy watch this youtube video…
I’d love to show that in class (with credit of course!) - would that be OK? If so, would you prefer me to credit your forum user name, or your real name (if the latter, please tell me your real name)?
Hey everyone…
I faced a problem when I’m reading the SSD paper … Can anyone tell me how Detections: 8732 per class is calculated in the SSD network?..
Thank you…
Sure! But you try first How many detections do you calculate based on what you’ve read? Take us through your thinking and we’ll figure this out together.
Hey everyone.
I think, I found a little bug in pascal-multi.ipynb
It is a peace of code in the very beginning when we predict multiple classes and plot pictures with one or more predicted labels:
for i,ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
ya = np.nonzero(y[i]>0.4)[0]
b = '\n'.join(md.classes[o] for o in ya)
ax = show_img(ima, ax=ax)
draw_text(ax, (0,0), b)
I found, that ya = np.nonzero(y[i]>0.4)[0]
is one object and the code always plots only one class instead of several.
So I removed [0]
and added int(o)
(to convert from torch.cuda.LongTensor
dtype) in b
definition. Like this
for i,ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
ya = np.nonzero(y[i]>0.4)
b = '\n'.join(md.classes[int(o)] for o in ya)
ax = show_img(ima, ax=ax)
draw_text(ax, (0,0), b)
Now it works well.
Should I create a pull request for this?
What is the best way to deal with images with a different aspect ratio? For example, I have a dataset with images of size 375x1242. Width is 3.3 times larger than height. Resizing the images to a square shape expected by pretrained Imagenet models will lead to unrealistically looking images.
Is there any way to leverage pretrained image classification models in this case, or it’s better to create SSD model with an appropriate aspect ratio and train it from scratch?
Good list of Criterions for better understanding https://github.com/torch/nn/blob/master/doc/criterion.md
This is great! Just as clarifying statement, if someone had the same doubt as me. If you are wondering why do we have an extra output for background (20 + 1), refer to this:
I was never able to get my verification loss much below 10, but changing the bias from -4 to -3 worked much better in terms of the suppression of false positives.
Sure thing! I’ve updated my forum name to match my real name (Chloe Sultan).
It works for me - you can see in the ppt and the notebook that it shows multiple classes for some images. Also the numpy docs show that it returns a tuple. So now I’m confused as to what problem you had! Can you go back and double-check, and if you’re sure it’s not working, show some sample code that demonstrates that?