Paperspace setup help

I set up fastai on paperspace yesterday, and I want to share a couple of gotchas in case anyone runs into the same problem:

  1. When select linux/ubuntu template, select version 16.04. i don’t believe fastai works with ubuntu v.18
  2. You may get an error about “sudo rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/.” when you use the command curl | bash
    I ended up downloading the setup script from (wget and comment out the line “sudo rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/.” before running it on the paperspace vm.

Which template should I choose?

There are several resources on the forums and GitHub that points too different machines to choose. For the most part, I think they’re all pointing to getting the public template, but when it comes to choosing a particular machine, the voices seem split between choosing whichever you prefer (out of the M4000, P4000, and P5000) or just choosing the P4000 (links to the resources are attached below).
To the alums still lurking on the forums, please let me know whichever you think is best from your experience!

Reshama Shaikh -
tcvieira -


I’m not an expert, but personally I’ve used the P4000 and it worked just fine with all notebooks of Part 1.

So, I think the P4000 is a good option, you will be able to learn efficiently all the material in the course!

Hello Antoine,

Thanks for the advice! I can’t wait to start messing around with the coursework.


If this code ever fails, you can also try

So the new promo code from fastai is FASTAIGR45T. I just used it successfully for $10.

If you want to sign up using my referral for extra $10, cash for everyone!

This may be a little off topic (new to the forums, couldn’t figure out how to start a separate thread) but perhaps this will be useful to someone.

I recommend using Paperspace - it was a good alternative from AWS in Europe for both my personal projects and company work. However I kept running into a seemingly random ResourceExhaustedError on the GPU when training/retraining keras-based nasnet, xception & resnet models. This was on a dedicated P6000 instance, based on the template “ML-in-a-box” on Ubuntu 16.0, which comes with a desktop jupyter notebooks application.

I originally Paperspace’s support team pointed me to this known issue: Later on it turned out that using the jupyter desktop app spawned but didn’t kill lots of processes in the background, leading to the GPU memory getting exhausted. The error in the notebook (when using the fit_generator() method) can be found at the bottom of this post.

So, in case you’re running into GPU resource exhausted errors, try using e.g. htop to see if there aren’t some unexpected processes eating them up.

Have a great day!

[[Node: training/Adam/gradients/dense_1/MatMul_grad/MatMul_1 = MatMul[T=DT_FLOAT, _class=["loc:@dense_1/MatMul"], transpose_a=true, transpose_b=false, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"](flatten_1/Reshape, training/Adam/gradients/dense_1/Relu_grad/ReluGrad)]]
Hint: If you want to see a list of allocated tensors when OOM happens, add report_tensor_allocations_upon_oom to RunOptions for current allocation info.```


I followed the instruction in until Part IV, step 2.5, but now get stuck. I get the following error: Config option allow_remote_access not recognized by NotebookApp

I also tried following the “Optional” section so that I can do “ssh paper space”, but again still cannot access jupyter notebook.

What should I do? Thanks!

I followed the instructions on and I am getting stuck on step 2.5. Step 2.5: SSH into machine and redirect local localhost to machine localhost. Once I enter the password I get bind: Permission denied.

Any help with this would be GREATELY appreciated as I can’t launch a notebook at all.



My Paperspace machine cannot find conda and jupyter command. How can I reinstall the machine without creating a new one?

Great patience for all learners =)

Hmmm, it looks like both the FASTAI15 and the FASTAIGR45T promo codes have expired; is there a new one?

Hi Chris,

You can use my referral NR76THL [] or anyone else’s to get $10 credit

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Hello Dan ( @dkobran ),

Does paying for Paperspace requires Stripe as a Visa authentication service?

In the case that Stripe is not available in my country (Israel), is there a workaround?

I think you are using windows so try command with localhost:8080:localhost 8889

Hope this helps

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Hi All,

For those reading setup help, please note as some have above that both FASTAI15 and FASTAI6GKZ are no longer active on Paperspace.

FASTAIGR45T may still be valid for $10 credit.

Please feel free to try that and you can also use a referral code, my referral M63NSKR or someone’s to get $10 credit.

Promo code 72MKA50 is valid to get $10 credit.

Promo code NZIPZZE is valid to get $10 credit.

FASTAI promo codes are not working. I have used your referral code and got $10 credit.

This is my referral code, sign up with it and get $10 in credit:

Here is everything you need to know about how the billing and referral program work:

Good luck in your journey!
