Paperspace setup help

From the instructions here:

Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Search Community AMIs [left menu]
Search: fastai

This worked for me to choose a fastai machine. Hope this helps.

Thank you for answering, I had not chosen the correct region where the AMI for was available.

@dillon Sorry for bugging you. I created a Paperspace account yesterday and just right now I created a new machine for the course. Since I am in Europe I picked the European data center and then I was asked to provide additional information regarding what I want to use the machine for. I just wrote that I want to use the machine for the course. However, now I just read your post, that you got inundated by a lot of non users and some other people here reported that they have already been waiting for several days to get approved. Thus, do I need to provide any additional information to proof that I want to use the machine for the course or do I just need to be patient and wait? Thanks!

Dear @dillon,

I’m also sorry to bug you, but I (saulglasman0 at gmail) submitted a request for access to the public template some time last week - could you possibly let me through?

why not use colaboratory, which provides free gpu in your google drive itself

Also waiting for approval…

I have reached to this point, i modified the config file, when I use the URL
I get an error unable to locate the local host
Please help me, it’s been too long and can’t get started
Everything else is complete

that warning is fine, it shows up because it tries to auto-open the notebook, but your machine doesn’t have a browser installed. but the notebook is running on localhost:8888

I started the course last weekend and was able to create paperspace image without any issues.
I sent them an email for machine access and got approved in 30 minutes on a weekend.

I am definitely going to try to replicate it in GCP because of machine learning credits…

Also, read an article on Google Colab which is supposedly a viable alternative to Jupyter notebook.

I copy paste the http//lcoalhost:8888… into my browser and get the message of not able to connect to the URL

So it’s running on localhost on your cloud machine, but to access it with your personal computer you need to substitute the public IP of your AWS instance for localhost. Or set up an ssh tunnel.

ok I will try that, thanks for your answer

My Jupyter server is running ok but when I try to access it on browser it’s not loading.
I put the public IP and the console shows a message when I requested the url on browser:

14:20:51.424 NotebookApp] 302 GET /?token=db4efd7ce7ce3d9be4ce3a5797630edd2f3a55f993145fb6 ( 0.61ms

But I can’t access the notebook.

Someone can help me?

Thank you, you were right!!
I needed to replace “localhost” with the public ip from AWS and also I had to configure the security group to allow the inbound connection, I set it to “all” all addresses all traffic

Check you have opened the right ports to get access to your remote machine, in AWS I configured the security groups to allow the inbound traffic, the easiest was to set to all, all traffic. I hope this helps.

Hi @leromerom, thank you for your help. I think the problem was because I was trying to access the remote server under my company’s firewall. I tried from my personal computer and it worked as expected. Thanks!

I’ve been able to access my account on paperspace through both
i) their window and get to their command line
ii) terminal on my OSX by using ssh -L 8888: paperspace@
with no problem

Now I’m trying to move directories of files from my computer to my paperspace account using
scp -r ./VOCdevkit in terminal on my OSX
but I’m getting “Permission denied, please try again”
after I put in my paperspace password
in response to "davidc@’s password: "

Does anyone have a similar experience or know how to fix this? Thanks!

Sorry for the late reply! I had an issue with that as well when I copy and pasted into a new browser window. It resolved after trying several things so I’m not sure which one fixed it. Here is what I tried:

  1. I had jupyter notebook open on my local machine as well so shutdown all of the kernels running locally.
  2. shutting down the remote and ssh’ing it again
    Hope this helps! Good luck.

Thanks @keri, I think a response within a day is great. Your suggestion worked! I just needed to make sure that no kernels were working and jupyter was not running.

I actually did it twice: the first one timed out after 1 hr. I reset the auto turn off to 8 hr and the second one lasted 2 hours before paperspace had a hiccup. As far as I know (just checked the documentation), scp doesn’t have an option to skip rewriting, and doesn’t recognize --ignore-existing. If anyone knows any different or knows of an alternative, please let me know.

Hello, I am facing issues while setting up the server. For machine configuration, it’s asking me to authorize my identity for fraud purposes. I mentioned the use case as for but still haven’t received any approvals from Paperspace. What should I do next to get up and running?