I am working on an OCR model using fastai. In the first step I successfully extracted the meter readings from the image like so:
Now I am stuck trying to use OCR on the extracted meter readings. I already used Pytesseract and Google Cloud Vision API with little success.
How am I supposed to go on here? I thought about using the extracted image and train it using MultiCategoryList for the labels (how sgugger described it here.
However supplying label_from_func with a string with the letters seperated by a char and then passing label_delim=';' when i call label_from_func removes the order of the labels and duplicates.
data = (ImageList.from_folder('data/train-extracted-224')
.label_from_func(get_label, label_delim=';',label_cls=MultiCategoryList)
Thank you for the update. Did you adapt the MultiCategoryList in the end? (because I’m still trying to understand how to modify it so you could have ordered labels + “duplicates”).