Lesson translations (2020) - help wanted

fixed. thanks.

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I generated English sbv file with YouTubeā€™s auto transcripts so that we have at least something:

It does not help for enabling Auto Translation button on youtube unfortunately :frowning:

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Lesson 2 Tamil Subs is ready and submitted.

@jeremy Couple of quick questions.

  • How would you want concepts like ā€œData Loadersā€, ā€œAPIā€, ā€œGPUā€ to be translated.
  • How do you want variables and function names like ā€œfine_tuneā€, ā€œdlsā€, ā€œRandomSplitterā€ to be translated.

Should we keep these things in English as such? or transcribe the text in the language translating into.
Any other pointers which you would like to be considered while translation?

Whatever is idiomatic in your language. If itā€™s standard to use an English acronym or term, feel free. Since DataLoaders is a symbol, use that without translating.

Iā€™d suggest leaving them unchanged.


Hi @jeremy The Bulgarian translation of Lesson 1 is ready. I also made a GitHub repository for the translation if someone have ideas for terminology improvements - https://github.com/krasing/fastai-course-subtitles-BG.git.


I canā€™t see the English transcript into the video of lecture 2, just the auto-generated one.

Oops sorry! Iā€™ve uploaded it now - should be processed in a few hours.

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Lesson 3 Japanese translation is done! Actually @crcrpar was done with his part a while ago, so itā€™s all my fault that it took this long.

I totally understand how time consuming and difficult it is sometimes, but letā€™s get this going :hugs:

Go team!!


I would like to add Spanish subtitles to Lesson 4. Working on the previous lessons, I found extremely helpful to use the English close-captions as the official reference (not the Auto-translated, but the ā€œofficialā€ captions).
According to the Official P1-2020 thread the English transcriptions for this lesson is done. Are there any procedure to load or convert them into subtitles? Do you suggest an alternative workflow?
Let me know if help is needed for this.

Hi Andrii,
Sorry for late reply, Iā€™d like to join you if there are any work left. What is your progress with @sermakarevich ?
I thought about it only now, when the course is close to being published.
Feel free to contact me via Telegram for more details @kasianenko

The good captions are now on all the videos so we can crack on with the Spanish subtitles. The first 3 videos have been done. Letā€™s get going on Lesson 4.

Thatā€™s great! Letā€™s do it. :slight_smile:

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Portuguese translation for Practical Deep Learning for Coders - v4

We are organizing a team of people to translate the course to Portuguese. Please contact me to help us split the work in as many people as possible.
The translation is based on Googleā€™s automatic translation - so, advanced English is not a requirement. The work is to improve the translation that is already a good one. Work will be done with Youtubeā€™s tools available until Sep 26th. So letā€™s finish it before this deadline.

That would be great @rubensmau! Please at-mention me here or PM me when youā€™ve got a lesson done in YouTube, so I can approve it there.

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed translations to the course. Iā€™m particular grateful to the folks who managed to complete every lesson translation in Chinese and Spanish! :smiley:

Anyone who can contribute more to the translation project, please do help - because Google will be removing the ability to add community translations in a month.


Hi, Iā€™d like to contribute to Turkish translation. Thank you.

Please do - thanks @hbamoba!

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Hi Jeremy,
Thank you. I recently heard about this course, purchased the book, started studying and loved the top-down approach.

Iā€™ve finished TR captions for Lesson 1 and submitted. Pls. let me know if you have any comments. When it is published, Iā€™ll proceed to the next one.

Twitter: @HBAkirmak

Dear all,
Is there an agreed way forward for captions, after the Google Community contributed subtitling is phased out? Thanks

Source: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6054623?hl=en

Iā€™ve just finished captions in Portuguese for Lesson 2 and submitted. We need more volunteers for the remaining lessons.