Lesson 6 - Official topic

How can you know if your architecture is working with just small models?


Just a reminder to like :heart: each otherā€™s questions (as a way of upvoting) if there is a question you want to hear asked out loud


In the training process, does an oscillation of the accuracy going up and down between epochs indicate a bad training or is that normal? Assuming the validation loss and training loss is also droppingā€¦

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If you do it without using the necessary tricks (that are automatically done for you when you do to_fp16) yes. If you do it carefully (or let fastai do it carefully for you), no.

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I thought the learning rate variation was applied for earlier layers in the network, not earlier epochs???
Somebody please correct me if Iā€™m mistaken. :slight_smile:

I think smaller models is just to make sure everything except for your architecture is working correctly.

we can use the same learning rate weather we use to_fp16 or not correct?

Dumb question taking a simple_net from previous mnist is a resnet 18 just a

simple_net = nn.Sequential(

18 times per say or the linear functinons change and have an effect on the training?

Is there a way to adjust learning rate to be more sensitive to class imbalance in our dataset?


No, thatā€™s not ideal. You want your accuracy to be improving, not being bouncy, Itā€™s usually the sign of a too-high learning rate.


Here is the learning rate finder paper:


Yes, that usually does not change the ideal learning rate (in doubt, use a learning rate finder to be sure).

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Yes, youā€™re right! I meant to say layer, not epoch. :slight_smile:

All other thing being the same, is accuracy reduced when you use half percision/fp16?

That needs to be addressed in your data (by oversampling) or in your loss function (penalizing more some classes). The learning rate canā€™t really do anything about that.

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fp16 increase your accuracy.

in my experience, it is normal. Also, sometimes the losses go up for one epoch and then start going down again. It might be the optimizer moving past a local minimum, for example: it needs to go down in the valley and then up before it can start going down the next valley (hopefully a deeper one)

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If fp_16() makes the training faster, and it improves the overall accuracy (slight regularisation), then we should keep this as a default :smiley:

Question from YT chat: Should you use fp16 training with the GTX series GPU (1080Ti/etc)

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