Lesson 23 official topic

Might be worth comparing the augmentations per class. Possibly not so much in this dataset as the images are similar between classes. But in the case of ImageNet etc the benefit of certain augmentations vary between classes.

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Hmm, I might check that tomorrow. Here is the class distribution for the missed test set images for the trivial augmentation model.

Class # Wrong
peace 63
no_gesture 59
one 52
like 48
four 40
palm 39
three 35
ok 33
fist 30
dislike 27
stop 24
stop_inverted 24
two_up 22
three2 21
peace_inverted 21
call 20
rock 18
mute 11
two_up_inverted 10

The no_gesture class has about 4x the number of sample images compared to the other classes in the dataset. It’s also worth noting the sample images vary significantly in quality, ranging from perfect samples to a small number of “I can’t even tell what it is”-quality images.

I forgot to save checkpoints for the random square copy and random pixel copy models, so I’ll need to rerun those.

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So, the trivial augmentation transform is not the best performing for all classes, despite having a decent lead overall.

class baseline rand-pixel-cp-1 rand-square-cp-1 rand-square-pixel-cp-1 trivial-aug-item-1
call 52 57 41 34 38
dislike 26 30 25 23 25
fist 50 38 30 43 29
four 56 51 36 32 39
like 55 49 50 45 37
mute 17 30 17 30 12
no_gesture 50 28 51 42 63
ok 38 49 39 52 38
one 58 54 60 63 37
palm 33 33 38 32 37
peace 64 60 84 93 64
peace_inverted 23 23 15 25 25
rock 49 35 39 29 29
stop 59 47 60 51 46
stop_inverted 25 25 16 11 17
three 48 59 61 61 52
three2 19 14 24 23 31
two_up 42 42 33 39 42
two_up_inverted 24 27 25 21 12
Total 788 751 744 749 673


Since I already implemented the style transfer suggestion, I thought I’d see if I could use the same model from my style transfer notebook to colorize greyscale images.

Unfortunately, the more challenging task of colorizing images seemed too much for the little 393K parameter model. After some small-scale experiments, I decided to try bumping the number of inner res blocks from five to forty. That increased the parameter count to 3 million and gave some promising results.

Below are some samples from training on my pexels dataset for ten epochs at 296x296 with the VGG-16 model for perceptual loss. I also added the cross_convs discussed in this lesson. I probably should have left that for a separate experiment.

The subtle grid pattern in the output images does not appear in my style transfer outputs. I’m unsure if those are from adding the cross_convs or training for more epochs. Hopefully, it’s not the latter, as I need to train longer to get acceptable results.

Update: Well, it does not seem to be either the cross_convs or training for longer. Hmm, maybe I had it backwards, and it’s from not training long enough?


Your images are looking really great. Can you share your notebook please? I’m not seeing the grid pattern – can you paste a zoomed in section to show what you mean? In earlier courses we introduced some methods to deal with “checkerboard” artifacts so I might be able to help with this…

Hey Jeremy,

Here is a zoomed and interpolated example of the grid pattern.

I’ll upload my colorizing notebook to GitHub once the current training session finishes. I am currently testing with the convnext_nano model instead of the VGG-16 model for perceptual loss.

It is nearly identical to the notebook I shared for real-time style transfer in the “Share your work” thread. I only updated the dataset and loss classes for the colorizing task.

The PixelShuffle upscaling I currently use in the model typically resolves the checkerboard pattern issue. Although, I would love to test other upscaling methods as well. I picked the pixel shuffle method mainly for efficiency since the style transfer model is supposed to run in-game.

Looking at some of the checkpoint images from early in the training session for the style transfer task, it seems like the checkerboarding might be there. It’s harder to tell with those.

If they are present, it might just be that I need to train longer.


Using the convnext_nano model seems to have resolved the checkerboard artifact issue. So, that’s neat. I think it’s still technically there, but it’s so faint now I can barely perceive it, even at 5x zoom.

I’m unsure if I should try adding more layers to the model or training it for longer first. It seems to learn certain scenes faster than others.

Anyways, here is a link to the miniai version of the colorizing notebook.

Here is the non-miniai version used to generate the above sample images.


That’s an interesting discovery!

My only nit with the outputs at the moment is that they seem a little low on saturation. This is understandable, since the model will naturally tend towards predicting the mean, resulting in washed-out colors. Perhaps you can try some additional loss functions that might not have that tendency?


I was starting to wonder if it was the loss function. I added the weights and biases callback to get a better look at the loss progression. Here is a chart from a partial run.

These look great…!

I am unable to get the first model (The Basic section) to train at anywhere near the learning rate of 0.1. I tried varying a number of things to improve it but after about 5 epochs it was unstable and returning nan’s . To get it to work I had to reduce the learning rate to 0.005 at which value I obtained almost identical results.

Is anybody else having this problem or am I doing something wrong?

I had similar in the 24_imgnet_tiny notebook. I had to decrease the learning rate to 3e-2.

I’ve been experimenting with colourisation on the tiny imagenet dataset. I trained a tiny imagenet classifier model with greyscale versions of the images (to use as my pre-trained layers of the colourisation Unet). After 50 epochs the greyscale classifier model had 60.8% accuracy, which I thought was surprisingly good given the RGB original was 64.9% after 50 epochs.

These results are certainly not close to as impressive as those above that use large models pre-trained on other datasets as part of their loss function. I think it is interesting what can be achieved with a feature loss function using the classifier trained on tiny imagenet. I found using MAE (L1) for both pixel loss and feature loss gave slightly better results over MSE loss.

Predictions from the greyscale inputs on the top and the actuals/targets at the bottom:


Good to know it’s not just me. The later model with pre activation trained fine at the higher learning rate

Hey @jeremy hope your day is going well :). Quick question: what are the cadence of the lessons moving forward?

Each lesson now requires quite a bit of research, since it’s at or past the cutting edge of research. So we record lessons once we’ve reached a point we know what to say - we can’t really predict when that will be… :smiley:


They’ve all been great so far…looking forward to them.

@jeremy I have been really enjoying this format. I am hoping they go on like this indefinitely.

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Thanks for the reply @jeremy ! The lectures have been fantastic, looking forward to the next one

Sounds like you need a new model? :wink: