I’m currently learning fastai part 2 and documenting everything I learn along the way in this post. If you have any questions on these topics, please feel free to ask.
TIL: how to calculate the similarity between two embeddings using open_clip and fastai’s Transform
p/s: i implemented the transformer from scratch, but I do not fully understand the src_mask and trg_mask in the Transformer’s forward pass. I will train it on a toy dataset using fastai to fully understand it
Update: got the pipeline working (check out github). This week, the goal is to reimplement CLIP from scratch. I’m finding the Clip tokenizer to be a bit challenging
Thanks Jeremy. I am going to post my learning progress on learning particle physics and nanoscience by re-implementing AI-related papers. Persistence is all you need
the last two days i learned (lol this month i spent a lot of time for non-AI subjects, now i’m back): some techniques for efficiency train deeper model, some AI alignment techniques (will go deeper soon), 3/4 how ToolFormer works (will share notes after finish it), implemented 1/10 ToolFormer